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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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CJ: 2 9
Don’t you ***ing cry....
Another jewish trick
Merry Christmas kids!
Happy turkey day
The nostalgia
Please say someone else can relate
Drew this for an Assignment about empathy..
This one's just for you guys ;)
Sweet ride bro
Awww so much lov... wait, what?
Cool moves bro
I asked Siri why fire trucks are red? And this was the answer.
Seriously how does this happen
Airport baggage collection.
Tit For Tat...
How'd you get here?
Hey look Its Cleveland
Cat with a funny chin
I’m in.
not the greatest environmental plan to be sure but a welcome one
Love isn’t everything
Technology vs Irony
Just lion around
Give love , get a filled belly
Thank you again.
You're a wizard Anon
Last night my daughter had a bad dream. Today she made puppets to guard her room while she sleeps.
This is very accurate.
VonBaron opens a Mall
Tragic cacophony...
does this all the time
deep in the fried
Sorry for the TOK TIK cancer
hail pete
Dropz em in like its hot
DO it!!
Yes I'd like to discuss my salary
Presses F
Man took selfies before boarding the bus and after the bus crash
"it really do be like that" -generic title that i despise
Really threw the driver under the bus there
Googly eye trees thanks to massive beach balls.
I miss club pinguin meems
You ***ing casual
After microwaving pizza successfully
Marty McFly was ahead of our time.
Saw This On Instagram Today!
I shall read and live by this fortune everyday
Recovering from a nasty stomach virus, this is where I set my bar for today.
This is how we blocked people back in my day.
No Offense intended
I would vacuum that up...
I love pixar animation studios. so does this dog..
RIP Thomas. A true legend.
I can actually relate to most of them
Why Are We Watching This Planet!?
The car I drew in 1st grade finally made it across the assembly line
Steel helmet +3
Wendy's doing what they do best
Spare us the suffering
Lady Gaga is a chemistry teacher
Why won’t it scan?
Dreaming about the land of scratchers and catnip
сука блять
Subtitles are Necessary
haha XD
There must have been a better font that could have been used.
sheer horror
Judge not
My girlfriend’s sister sat behind a good boy on the plane today.
Big pp
We introduced the office dog to a new puppy today
serious question
Hello There
tis a rare claim, yet I am not distraught by it
Non Stop Horror...
The hard truth
BROOOOO! Do you see that shit? A floating dog head!
One of them isn't the same as the others...
really loving my new iMac
Anon is forgiven
Sibling rivalry at it's worst
a prince
Guy wins 30 million after getting dumped by his girlfriend
Big boi
I will set my alarm for 7:30am! No snooze!
Anon has 900 IQ
tfw your arcane immortality items are destroyed by a bunch of 17 year olds
I attempted to combine pictures of a dog and a bunny, but just ended up with a huge bunny
Hello there