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Overall, the thread reflects a mix of personal achievements, struggles, and mutual support within the community

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Sorry you go ahead.
Found the best use for a Chromecast
Just the usual
Anon gets ***blocked
why is reality a dissapointment?
Anon at the airport
We live in a society
Black hole lol
School Loans
Big fan of this picture of a veterinarian showing a cat how fat he is.
I do bite dogs though
From a friend's snapchat pre-takeoff
Roses r red, violets r blue, Federal Reserve is gonna Screw you.
Free real OC
Got a good laugh at my local Smashburger
Reality check.
Begone ape
hilarious sign spotted by a friend
Art degree well spent
feet niggas rise up
The kind of advertisement which works for me
The older I get, the more I understand Al.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Oh no!!!
when someone upvotes my shitty memes
Woody & Buzz
Found this work of art at my local Five Guys Burgers and Fries
No nothing!
I'm giving her all she's got captain!
You get an upvote!
Same day delivery
My mom's computer
Peeped into money tin - Queen apparently peeping back.
Santa looking like he's gonna risk it all!
i'm ready for you
My brother made this when he was younger in school for Christmas. It’s known as “The Angry Snowman” and is still put out every year with the decorations
Trying snacks from Korea.
Me and the wife's fortune cookie messages
Kittys favourite things
No matter how good a person you are
The four musketeers
Behold, a pale horse! Its rider's name was Death.
Tricking a monkey
Wake up sheeple!!
See my family in therapy I guess
How ya like me know?
Bad bois bad bois what you gonna do.
Baking problems
Hammer and a nail
Never challenge my parenting skills
Well, there you go
This advertisement for a library.
Thought it was Desert Storm
When the other restaurant is more appetizing.
Yeah, barber man, just do me a dog up there.
I wanna know who the pirate chick is
Low of thrash in the sea, lot of thrash
too dark sense of humor
It’s just life
This sign at a local deli
Gotta get that sweat going!
Every Christmas
The teacher was wondering why I was laughing, am I the only one seeing this ?
the social media queue
The first present is under the tree...
Me at my parents’ 40th anniversary party: “Mom what’s the secret to a long and happy marriage?” Mom’s response:
Pizza face
And so, the Vacuum Cleaner was invented
It's amazing how the faces fit the drug
Someone is living in 3018.
When cards against humanity gets a little too real.
The Last one...
Gotta love Ross
Don't stop now 'cause havin good time
Snowballs deep in Santa
positive proof of global warming
For all the nerds like me
So, I just got thrown out of the pet shop...
Note the expression on both parent and child faces.
So I found this in Costa Rica..
GF: "Your beard shavings are making the sink look dirty."
Doreen The Babysitter
Why do group projects exist?
Good old fashioned British vandalism
Totally plucky
I’m not saying anything
A newer revised Army combat manual. LOL
Why some men buy comfortable couches :)
i dont know can you?