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Please come back Tom89, shadowelve, LeHerp, Deznal and Null_!

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Anime: なぜこれを翻訳する Me: *Cries*
Nah im good, thanks.
Getting rid of my Xmas excess
Festivals are so awesome
That’s gotta be it
It's time to stop
I think i downloaded the wrong Aquaman movie
lookin like a snacc
la pomme est rouge
Truth bomb
"You both like guns"
This dog has a very human face.
I didn’t have a card for my friend’s birthday, but I DID have a sharpie and a card for a baby.
Sexists are just plebs
Musk tweeted. Maybe he is right!
Youtube keeps sinking deeper and deeper
Not again
Strumming my pain with his bangers
*points and laughs* Dude fell in love with a girl!
F to pay respects to this poor meal
How I imagine myself as a teacher
If you need context, watch H3H3's last video
Dick is my girlfriend’s grandfather. Her grandmother stores her photos of him in this aptly named box.
Ahhh, much better
Oh people of Wyoming. Please never change.
D.A.R.E to jump to conclusions
I can’t disagree.
Change up the traditions and call it like it is
I'm ready for my loincloth.
Ahem Jolly Ranchers Ahem
My friend is a pretty tough man, this is his baby's dog tag!
Probably the best CAH hand I have ever seen.
Dr. Evil would be pleased with the new Aquaman movie
You'll never unsee this
This would get my attention lol
Definitely not an ice cream cone!!!
Basicslly this comunity can have very special time.
She's said absolutely NO sesame seeds.
An Englishman, a Scotsman and an Irishman walk into a bar...
happy new year
They come alive at night...
I suggested to my college kid reheating pizza on the stovetop. Didn't think I needed to specify "in a pan."
There is no future, the future is now!
Can you don't
Ahhhh! There's something in my eye!
Hair been farming xp
Don't think I will brush my teeth tonight
Very Accurate lol
You want your butt sniffed?
Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you to....
Thought this deserved a dollar...
Poor green mario
Road Runner strikes again.
From serious to derp
And with this, I shall go beyond autism
Trying to get motivated like:
Do it
the french are just misinformed mongolians
All he needs is some hot sauce.
Stay woke fellas!
Free yoga classes
Very Secret Location
Whoever told me to leave my car at the pub and take the bus home.... turns out I was in no fit state to drive that either!
Best argument I've seen for the Oxford comma
What it feels like to use Tinder
and I’m taking a risk here.
One cup of sand from each of the beaches I’ve visited in the past three years
Can't wait for this sequel
You got it, Champ!
How Barry Interesting
My daughter says I ruined the game Guess Who.
My friends maturnity pic
Proof that Disney is running out of ideas
Ego ----> Burden
Send nudes. Sand dunes. Even dyslexics mix them up
I see nothing wrong with that.
No Truer Words Were Ever Spoken
When you get owned by Elon Musk!!!
A simple man
This Xmass ornament my aunt made looks like an angel taking a bong hit.
This post has been removed.
“Apple down on Wall Street”
Lost a good friend
What in Kilometer?
When you try to get your first job
Every time
The struggle is real when you least expect it
GameStop Gon’ Learn Today
Nature is B E A U T I F U L
Nobody reads this
One of the best comics
6 Reasons Why....
down to earth
Elders play Grand Theft Auto 5