A friend went by the state lottery office with a winning scratch off ticket and told them he’d like one of those bigass ceremonial checks as payment.

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They are probably not far off.
The agony of defeat
lvl up
Blub blub aliens
You either get it or you don’t.
Trains were down...
Recycling just got interesting.
what are "real feelings" anyway
>me when a fine booty walks by
He invented camo jokes
Looters gotta ruin everything.
Australians putting clothes on termite mounds
That balance tho
The cone of shame!!!
What a nice photo
Yup....sounds right
"Tank you, come again"
Easiest choice of my life
Groovy catto
When a cashier asks if I want to donate to the poor...
This Has Me Shook
Oh boi, oh boi.
So that's their purpose
That explains it
Begone thots.
The movie I wish was true
Apparently Mike Tyson & Predator have a child together...
This is the grim reality.
someone thinks they're funny..
Viral finally gonna be banned
Anon likes GI Joe
Spider-Man: TAS was something else
Scroll down for meme-text
"My dads a lawyer".
I'm a connoisseur
WRYYYY we all have that one friend
It's who you are on the inside that counts
Just be prepared for the funky aftertaste.
Funniest review on Google Play
Have some fun with mom
Best pranks you can pull to your friends and family
One thicc pint, please
Happy Meal
That's how mafia works
Lake Mirror or Mirror Lake?
The news anchor’s neck/chest is peeing
I cant believe you’ve done this.
Meanwhile in Europe..
"I got your nose"
Let us pray
Internet announces: Harold 2
See..I’m not crazy
Sweet Alabama
Just some average farm-talk.
Nothing else inspires anger in me quite like this.
When you customize the blank buttons in your car!!!
How to get "bigger" fish
Such an incredible selfie.
At my local shopping centre
A touching note left on a car.
We all have our best side.
Not the worst one I’ve seen...sure beats the stick family things.
Threw the cat some ham, it went well.
No chungus in his pantaloons.
Spiderman and his Uncle Ben
Thats a good career choice
Somebody doesn't accept a sibling
Cousin got a new shirt today
My Roomba thought it was falling off a cliff, so it quivered here in fear until his battery died.
This *** lied to me
Life wasn’t great after Toy Story
Credit to the Late Great Carlin
It happened to me : from 3cm to a whole wopping 5!
My sand and dirt collection from every place I visit.
Went to Colorado to visit some family, discovered a happy ass tree among the Garden of the Gods.
Found this in a Bangladeshi restaurant.
Can you turn me into a CAT
Don’t think I’ll be visiting that strip club
That’s not as you thought.
*pats top of head
MAthemathical genious
This Parking Sign at a MyBurger is gold
Real life is quite the opposite!!
I'll be whatever you want me to be
License to Shred
Take that Satan!!
Dysentery/ Dissin’ Terry
Helping a friend move. Didn't expect this.
That's h(o)w you be(c)ome a mafia boss
Anon is a low level chad
The OC event is nearing its end. Check the comments.
Women in their periods
The Capo
The new Hellboy movie.