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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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My salad isn't this funny
I’m terrible at titles sorry
Shrek IRL
For my peoples!
Best ever! Gift from my Wife!!
The most accurate Venn diagram for me
I don’t know
Caught shopping at work
Every trip!
Sooo, this masterpiece can be seen driving around my hometown right now.
I asked my babysitter if she wanted me to order a pizza. She responded 30 min later that she already ate. 10/10 will hire again.
NY: One room apartment for rent, 2800 a month, does not include utilities.
For all the people who sort by new, worth the read
Beer thirty...
What we all really needed
The people deserve to know!
Pulled my heart strings...
If you ever had a pet you know the feeling
They finally plowed my street!
Keep your hands to yourself, Dave!
nice way to explain it
Highway sign operators getting tired of your shit.
Not a bad plan really.
It's disgusting.
Well that’s Australia for ya
A+ for UI, F- for UX
Yeah... historical figures weren’t exactly handsome!
This guy has it rough
Poor Pam !!
This was just on my local news
It’s the only way
I was cleaning out old food from our cabinets today and found my wife’s secret Oreo stash .
Absolutely correct.
Wife shoveled the snow and her back hurts. I offered a back rub and she send me this. She gets me!
Father: least stressful job
laughed out loud at this
That doggo dummy as hell
He has cometh
We'll just touch it up!
Just do it
Do it
Send the Troops
It's going nowhere..
how it's made
Thanks Abe
yes he does
As someone on the spectrum, I hear a whole lot of garbage about vaccines being the cause of autism. Lately, this has been making the rounds in my Asperger's circles.
This shit science!
Past, present, future.
If only there was something...
This kid looks like he's on his second divorce
Linus Door Tips
It's right here in my hand
Help me find a baby
This guy won a raffle ticket to Fyre and had a stellar time
How I sit
DoCtoRs DoN't Do sHiT
No hate to old dads
(no cows whatsoever appeared in the whole anime)
Monday again.
We're dropping in the nether fortress bois
Chuck em
Guy charging his phone on the bus
“You’ll have to work late tonight”. “Ok great”
This is getting out of hand! Now, there are two of them!
Sometimes you find gold in the wild.
This review.
Look on Twitter.
Henlo frens.
When the realization sets in
Don't mess with the clouds!
You don’t like my cans?
rember happy day!
Best shirt ever!!!
The Sharon’s
You have been bamboozled
I disagree, it's impossible to hate Tom Hanks
Wroom Wroom
Credits : @Skeleton_Claw
Long live the panda
Let the dog laugh oute first
There was a nut free zone sign outside of the girls locker room
from that day forward he was
Good guy Quora user
I seriously have no clue
Mafia Cat
Great thinking
I am, yes