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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Don't Pass Gas When It's -3O
love ya all (full homo)
Makes me laugh everytime.
Most of the US right now
So my pizza delivery guy ***ed up ...
Best smug face I've ever seen
5 second rule!
Planet broke, start over and try again
Roses are red, my life is a curse
That would be so cool
Ill miss ya buddy
He must be Spanish
Until you’re only ugly
Get that dead shit out of here!
Hurts doesn’t it?
Well that explains alot.
Oh, happy day!
The cold ain't holding him back!
Wait, this is illegal
Capris suns should really be sold by the gallon.
Just found it
Treat her like shes your best friend
RIP 4 followers
Polar vortex failure
You need something smark enough to tell the difference between clapping and extreme fcuking
tough luck
Who else to blame but the jews?
Mini dirt apples
Bigest big brain
Admit we’ve all done this
We've been found out
true story
This B needs a C in her A
You're not rich!
If you ever feel down, remember this.
Well shoot
Love at first stab
Thank you Gameboy, very cool!
maybe we should treat them like muslims?
Chicago: You have the our sympathy -Alaska.
Name that move.
What’s your secret?
>Libyan flag 1977
In heat of the Midwest freezing over.
Silly salad.
If you’re feeling useless...
If I’ve learned anything in my first 2 months at work, it’s this.
Polar Vortex
I didn't say it, I declared it
He looks normal to me
What’s alskdjfhsgh
I always Bath and Shower full clothed, that way you get your laundry done at the same time!
No reposts here
Where are you going?
I must be holding it the wrong way.
No fukang way!
Literally my class
Lets be honest.
Now that's how you become an expert
oh no!
Smile at strangers to make the world happier.
Big chonk is more powerful than you
My boss doesn't like me...
outstanding move
is your tummy ok bro?
but what about manspreading and mansplaining?
Living the dream
now i know who did it
Wait, Scotty!
Cold, angry student hacks the University page
My local volunteer fire department is hiring
Thanks Ron
Every team needs a Peter.
I am trapped
Will be home soon
Pfft vaccines, who needs 'em. children that want to live that's who
We don't eat pork
Number 1
The most accurate representation
I hope the parents don’t fire me
Gotta love it when imagination, boredom, and free time come together.
Even with a wind chill of -27°F, its never to cold for a beer.
But it’s the land of the free
I just hope the instructions area easy to read.
"Is Shredder here? No? Shit."
The resemblance is astounding!
Milk bone dog treats
they had us in the first half not gonna lie
Where's art in that?