Moved into a new apartment and forgot to bring a wine bottle opener. So I thought 'screw it'.

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Oh yeah, beg for donations bb
The best face-swap I've seen to date.
No more wishes.
It's about to clash
the devil is in the details
Oldschool jokes
Michael gets declined by NASA :(
Poor Franklin
Disappointed Thanos is Disappointed
Mrs. Obama get down!
This sign advertising how nobody should spend four bucks on their morning latte didn't age well.
haha yes it be like it
Coina Lisa
California has always been quite the odd ball but this might be too much..
Making a left turn
The epitome of antisocial
This woman's obituary proves that in death, she is funnier than I am in life...
My neighbors yard maintenance company
It's old, but still relevant and funny!
So much liquid.
If you don't feed Winston on time, he refuses to look at you. He just stares angrily at the wall until his bowl is full.
Scrubs; a show about doctors
I think I'm a cat
Who you lest expect
My friend drives a bus. Today he did something you should never do.
It’s Just The Worst
Serious depression man
Winter is coming, and it burns.
Life is just ...
To aid my insanity please take notes
...So then I said, "Retriever? I don't even know her!"
She always had a good sense of humour. Even at the end of her life...
Yup, that's embarrassing....
Backstreet bats
Hey! Thats also me!
git gud
I remember seeing this in the theater
A prelude to the real Touch of Death
Nothing gets me more than hearing a pet lick itself.
We all need this update
Feeling great!
That’s punny
Seriously Sarah?
The cat is a hat
Imitation 100
Wtf Siri!!!
Bethesda is right after EA
Hi, Reginald
How to use BJJ against a bear
How not to fix problems
Autistic bees
get better material!
My bf bought me a coloring book..
It was because I liked you
How cute are they
okay but what the *** was going through Carlos's head
Oh Uh....
Intruder... Be aware!!
This is getting out of hand
Lifehack chart
Her name is the sound of a Plunger
Weinstein, Cosby,... Bieber. Why did Dick have to go?
live faster, die younger
are you brave enough for this playlist
they had a lot but it was tasteless
Thanks for the Mercedes
I’m surprised it’s been that long
Almost missed this one
Sometimes man ಥ_ಥ
I drew Snow White and the Seven Homies
Stay classy Portland!
*southpark theme starts* , this is a reference for intelectuals
Harry Potter rocking it hard right now!
CVS in a Boston accent
That must be comfortable.
Be careful where you sit
Seinfeld Reboot?
The lady who runs our local Thai joint is a boss
How to know you're in for a treat
Notice this
Second $60 is the second most important meal of the day
Transformers Unite!!
No doggo no
VR Goggles without the phone attached.
Mentally unstable?!
this is what you miss as a jew
Now that we're alone, let's badmouth the cat
A damaging blow to the dick pic economy
Undoith thot
Time to update my resume