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Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed.
10-Year Club

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Unfortunate block placement
A suprise to be sure
Such a funny joke
Would you just LOOK at it!?
It's wrong to kill a defenceless animal!
None of the plaques in the stores really spoke to us, so we decided to make our own for our new home.
Typical retail.
Appreciated the warning with all the extra rain in San Diego lately!
Propane and propane accessories!
Lonely Nope Rope
Jones b rollin’
Ill Bill
Classic Karen...
Cougars are on the hunt
This guys gonna have a great modeling career
Rare item like new w/tag
Don’t you think?
Show some respect, people.
It is very long
cultural appropriation
I think many people will try
Silly Britain
Lawrence, KS PD just keeping it real
We're finally asking the real questions!
I mean he ain’t wrong...
When you need extra support to keep lil willy finish its job
They got old!
Never forget your heroes.
Wish my girlfriend good luck please!
Who has the time
R.I.P. Opportunity
I Think I Found Love
How to prevent back pain, any pain really...
A professional NBA player
My keychain is my aspiration.
Oops I downloaded the wrong movie
Only in theory
Yo mom not gay
Hot pockets
next child is called "n-word pass"
bake at 420 degrees
Flick Flick
who is you?
That tree gets a smack every time I walk by.
***in weeb
t h a n k y o u
Sparkling water
Now I can give a *** at work
Ron Swanson is a little devious.
The one time I paid attention in class...
Only flossing I do is in fortnite
Antivax moms cant science
His watchdog skills are at another level.
Not Alowdin
Made my commute a little better.
Mistakes were made
Last night was crazy
Confused Travolta Oil Panting
I found an alive easter island head on Google maps
Got a couple grams for sale. Hit my DMs for pricing. Will ship.
Show about/for crazy ex-girlfriend
*rolls up sleeves*
Well thought out, sir
no but actually yes
After several posts...
John Cena has a children’s book
Detroit bottom
Not even light can escape
After trying to find good material...
Loophole to the loophole:have the executioner lace himself with poison
he probably is smarter than her though
I’m a cell-out
Let's contemplate murder
Magic Pie Bush
Perfect meditation doesn’t exis.....
Murican repellent
And robin is just a gai boi
How amazing was your childhood?
Drunk souls
Put you in the mansion, somewhere in Wiscansin
Peppa Pig *snort*
Co-worker threw a ball of paper at me. He didn't realize that it was his Valentine's Day receipt. Looks like he had a good time!
I don't think they thought this through...
Getting a drivers license
Lazy but smart babysiyter
I just can't either.
How you doin? :P
Slowly giving up
At least he's cute
... And you thought you had problems?
Funny not funny
This is way too good to be true