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From the jungles of Seaetnam. I post cringey maymays
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Transcript of poop problem of Apollo 10 astronauts, 1969
Day 11:
Dont know where, dont know why, but it is here to stay.
Can't beat the original
You know we're living in a strange time when even the ocean has haters
Reminds me of work
Stick ‘em up
International Guidelines for Problem Solving
Karma: 100
me and all the furry commies here
Life Of A Sociopath
At least the camera's good.
At least it would have smelt nice
I'm going to hell for laughing hard
You are our only hope
Finally, we are getting somewhere.
Every damn night!!
Just siblings things
Lazy bones
No rest for the wicked
Trying to get a response from my girlfriend.
Bees make the best tasting vomit of any animal.
Anon the snitch
That guy in the background looks just like Keanu Reeves...
Just see below
thank for the idea :)
Texans are a whole ‘mother thing
Auto corrected sexy *** to sexy birch this is what I got .
Sometimes it's better to throw in the towel
Veni Vidi Vici
We shouldn’t laugh at poor doggo...
That's a record I dont want to see today
That’s how it’s done
fcking weebs
Nice one kiddo
Nice job mate!
Shoutout to my homie PH
*disappointment noise*
Today’s my Birthday!
Women are bi...
Jabbacado the hut
wtf tampax?
Who knows this?
all because of some crack(ers)
Yeah but why
To spread the vegan message
Got this masterpiece one!
Urban Monk
Anon is relatable
That's a dangerous power
Well played, Netflix. Well played.
Honey it’s pretty windy
Gym anyone?
Remember This Man?
Not my fault, just saying
Gotta love yourself some watercooled cpus
Bro chill I was just jaywalking
Gay, your mom
Pure Betrayal
Outstanding move
Saying hi wasn't that easy back then lol
Ay mate
Old man
So my buddy was just trying to show us this bottle of liquor his boss bought him...
your daily dose of wholesomeness <3
Who knows
Good ol' WD-40
12 Pies Please
Hey, I trust ya buddy, gimme the hat.
All microwaves need a chaos mode.
Oops. See ya in 2029.
I guess I need a different outlet?
No more kisses after that
“It’s all apart of God’s plan”
Release the QUAKEN!
*A Worthy Opponent Appears*
Make that lifetime.
Never be that guy
He'd never give you detention for no reason, either
Treaty of Birdskies Colorized
ayyy according to aerodynamics I shouldn't be able to fly
Hello There
I think you'll have to be of a certain age & British to get this.
It's all a waiting game
Pickle Apocalypse
Spread happiness
Saw Peter Griffin irl on The Price is Right
Not gonna lie, they had us in the first half
My phone's battery case finally arrived in the mail! I'm really gonna miss being a mom...