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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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A murder.
The moment my cat got stuck on her scratching post
This bass
Sign at a neighborhood park. Read the fine print.
My girlfriend's a 5th grade teacher, and an aspiring cartoonist. She's starting up a comic series called "Summers Off". Enjoy!
go fast
poor dogo
Aww bless him
Whenever I encounter a small obstacle in my life
*Me and Victoria*
Yeah, f*ck this thing
*checks phone*
Debt cycle
Please resume all normal activity
Atleast Russians did that right...
So I Was Handed This The Other Day
Fasion in the snow.
After years of hard work, I got a good paying job and I’m finally able to afford this cup of coffee. Don’t give up on your dreams.
Best gift ever!
Just relationship things...
Only losers use toilet paper
When you have an actual government
Which one of these two, were you?
we are safe boiz
This looks very creepy... And the guy thought that it is a good idea... :)
For the 1 time that I do care.
Hot Fire!
Das it mane
Tinky Winky, Lala, Dibsy...
Ask Mum....
"Anyways, here's Wonderwall"
hail eggboi
pure evil
We have the power
Fridge theft is an issue at my job....
I snoozed, I losed
Yep that’s me
First signs of spring...
When this happens with me :D
How horrible
But the rule of 3 can
this man is a genius
But all of my saved games from 1997 are in there!
Excellent advice
Screw it yourself
Poland will have so much trouble
We are nothing but dicks.
Ha! Got eem
I wonder why....
Thankfully all he does is buy hotdogs
My dog is acting strange today
Any guys available?
I thought it sounded like a piano
I'd probably say that too
Hmm, I could swear that was 5 hours
Anybody else's favorite installment?
I have a preference for shitten myself
I am gonna pretend I didn't see that
Don’t mess with the Cookie Monster
The Chad animation
Well thats just mean!
Piercings save lives
Anon writes a letter
Anon and the hostage
nah im good
You're ripping and tearing me apart Lisa!
I will just leave it here.
rip in chat
He tried to divide by zero
o f f s p r i n g
Who need the Amazon link?
He was trying his best "Cheetahed"
My friend picked his mom up at the airport after a 2 week vacation to Florida
Self checkouts:
Air Blower
Meanwhile in English class Mexico
My leukemia afflicted father decided to pull an extremely expensive gag today by cutting open his saline IV bag and dumping green food coloring in it
I duck hunt a lot and found this to be pretty funny.
Someone has relabeled the dead battery container
Kenya: Are we the baddies?
Welcome to Texas where you can have every season in one day
When my girlfriend tells me a compliment
Spent too much time on this
We're all a little Irish today..?
“You carved my image into your own flesh as act of affection and admiration? Ok”
New sign above the kitchen doorway at my restaurant. Ha
This sign at Atlantis
What will memes look like in 2029?
Gotta earn it.