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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Mazel Tov!
That's the whole point
That sounds fair
Mom steals money from son
All star
Babies as well
A hard situation to laugh at. Still couldn't help it!
Don't worry you are OK!
This amazing wall poem
Sad flute noises
I received this card for my birthday
Do I even need to explain?
A good morning
Complimented parking ticket
Very interesting biology lesson today.
My new favorite thing is average guys entering bodybuilding contests.
very sliding door
dayum son
The truck Dave... the damn truck Dave.
For sure you guys would like my tshirt. Nobody at my school gets it .
What a miracle
Probably about 6 minutes of flavor on this truck
Spoiler: she's actually the good guy
Will Smith getting outsmarted by his son
Well played, sire
its ok he has a pass
We shall eliminate all other energy drinks in one snap
it changed him for the better
Whatchu doin
Lady from Arizona makes small talk
Anon has a bad life
Anon needs Jesus
Thor Endgame cosplay
it does be like that
I wonder why
Hawkeye - Eyes always on target!
This cashier has something to hide
Not mine but pretty funny.
I've seen everything!
The incident report my buddy got from his daughters daycare.
Spotted this weekend at University of Iowa graduation
Easy Meal Prep Ideas
This VPN has a sense of humor.
Rewatching Osmosis Jones for the first time in year is a whole different experience
who am I?
The trifecta of life obtained
When my girlfriend is excited about how smooth her legs are
Found this in a shop in Australia
original Instagram
Cosplay?This is cosply
Is it fine, though?!
My dad still uses this. He calls it, "Hard Mode."
The Internet Cycle
Wth grandma
Sweet youth..
I know i know...
Oh, Phillip
The final weapon of mankind. To deal with Godzilla.
I miss my mom.
I don't even have sex lol
I made my mom stand in the perfect spot for our trip to Disney
An eyeful
Let natural selection do it for us.
Dany after hearing the bells
Ah the nostalgia
This kid gets an A+
Please choose the save data slot you wish to over-write on
The difference between a cat and a dog
Passed out at a London bus stop. Woke up to this
I got ketchup in mah hands
Anyone say i'm fat? :D
See they are still into beef
pokemon chavs and bruvs
Asterix in Gethsemane (dedicated to Jeran)
My mans got a way with women
Not all the time!!!!1
Accurate 10000
Voila, the solution ....
your friends hairy arm looks like a cat
The Oatmeal's original locker room comparison
Instant pass for all exams
Hitlers killer also wrote mein kampf
I am tooth!!!!
Is this how people make music in America?
Gotta make money somehow
change of plans
Was he ok?
Earning da respect
No one can replace Charlie ..
What? Not exactly as you expected?
a me
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I chuckled.