Our forest ranger friend is having a rough day.

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Break the rules.
Every year around my birthday I think of this....I have two kids
Let go of me, woman!
GTFO before you get cut, Gary.
I find this funnier than I should
My friends little sister went to prom as a highlighter
Danger doggy
I get this look on my face sometimes
What's the coolest wheelchair?
My mother-in-law left her jewelery case open and um.... Buttplugs. My mother in law wears fancy buttplugs.
I Would Definitely Go See This Remake.
No, really...
Did that actually happen?
This is how I die...
She gets me...
Game of Friends
"I don't even know who you are"
My Mom's gardening calendar has a Tupac quote
Tell us what happened lad
Oh... Oh no!
Wow dad really funny
Chill and enjoy
It's the only thing keeping them at bay
I Have The POWER !!
Ten reasons to start drinking.
Eat like mall security is watching
Went to the zoo, found a red ruffed lemur finding his inner peace
Daisy Ridley in a Ridley Scott movie
Sent from my iPhone..with severe feels of guilt about my gullible existence.
daily dose of abortion memes
The original and best dragon mother.
Occam's Razor
Memorial Day Weekend Vibes
Beautiful sign placement.
see, i pulled a little sneaky on ya
We all remember these
Poor rhino
theres 2 theres 4 theres 6 theres 8....
It's right there guys
It's great to see more places are finally offering vegan options.
Unforseen developments
That's actually true
Hey EX, look, its you !
This baby has perfected the "are they using my driveway to turn around??" look
Little overdone
I propose this
Finish flag
New type of criminald
Where is the lie?
Sonic has no need for a bus tho
"Sorry for taking so long"
I unplugged it and plugged it back in
Saw someone get hit by a car today
Roll Tide!
Tbh tho.
Had me in the first half
that's genius.
Very interesting
Slow and steady wins the race
Um, someone didn't get the memo
Being charitable
Jesus: Water is fine. *looks right into the camera*
My best angle
Professor Jiggly
This is what I call a Japanese barbeque
Only Amelia Bedelia
Marvel Please make a movie on Stan Lee
Door dash order was not on timing as expected. Alcohol was involved.
These connected senior quotes
Asking the right questions.
Thanks for waiting.
Graffiti found in my university toilet
Could be worse might wake up as Kobe.
I saw my favorite dog outside the grooming salon yesterday. She looked shocked that I don't live in the salon 24/7.
Youre Next.. Sorryy
Safety first!!
Origin of the word "boob"
Iron the creases out next time
I thought this person was really there
He ready to mingle
Lisa speaks the truth.
OMG Stay off of her!
Looks like CVS has some new competition!
Suprise McGonagall
One of the best face swaps I've seen
Cons of having a catto and a doggo at the same time
Was not expecting this at my granddaughter's dance recital.
Never felt like this before