Husband fail. I was supposed to keep the kids at bay so she could sleep in. Got this from my wife as I was feeding the baby.

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5 Hail Marys and 2 Our Fathers
Meanwhile in Ancient Rome
Found at an Alabama Walmart
Little cow!
Shhhh.....Princess Batman is sleeping.
We all got that one drama friend
They're always plotting something...
Mr. Wick
Who keeps calling this mans name
The creative guy has done it again
2028 Samsung Phone
Cats are lil devils
Bet ya cant
Change my mind
Yet Another Gem From Russian Dating Site
Now we all know the reason.
Beer is better than Jesus
The real downside of being an antivaxxer.
No Stain no Murder
Photoshoot on a sinking ship... ok sure
And that's how college works.
Warning, play at low volume!!!!!!
Converted my pick up into camper van.
Everyone afraid of Keanu Reeves
Scrubs pretty much nailed parenting here.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
After: "Mission Passed + Respect"
Happy Birthday Tony
We're married!!!
This was one of my favorite shows
Ancient Greece
Who knew?
I recommend trying it
Cropped to Kill
Only men can relate to this
Life is nothing but shit!
The work truck hit a very important milestone today
My modeling career is over
Stupid Alien Kid.
Pixar movie themes:
Good times indeed
Better than Michael J. Fox.
Ya know, Thor is technically an Alien
Alabama 100
Today in White People 2
It was self defense
Turns out my 12 year old and her friends think my aggravated expression is funny enough to be their wallpaper.
80 years later and finally free
Everyone has a different perspective.
Don't tread on me...
I feel like I have to respect this cow's wishes
Are you serious ??!!
Aren't these supposed to have a catch or something?
Can you be my daddy tho?
My Korean mom asked me if her friends can come over to my place and "pull my wood." Having no idea what this was, I was so relieved they only wanted to do this.
My coworker wore a checkered suit today. Unfortunately she didn't let us finish.
Anti-littering poster from Canada
Word choice is everything
I bet I can go slower.
This belongs here. Convo I had with my GF today
Nice end to a crappy day
60 in 2.3 seconds
***ing Incredibly Very
My cat the protector
I can see that.
Found on another site and thought I'd share.
In fact it is to distract from my face
If only my dog had a bed big enough for her
that game really was ahead of it's time
Love you really Kosobi
They never saw it coming
This my jam
Aunty Swag Level...
Security Questions
My son just turned a month old, and my wife has been keeping track of his firsts on our calendar. I just noticed this today.
For fun I design fake products, behold The Infinity Saucelet, wield all of your favorite fast food sauces at once. Cover everything in sauce...whatever it takes.
About a week ago I disclosed to a close friend that I lost an erection during sex. I received this in the mail today...
Calculated Conversion...
This vegan counter protester on the news
Thought you guys would appreciate my new credit card cover
The power to find a title for this?
George Lucas, Ford, Billy Dee and Hamill look like they're dropping a new Blues album
Never skip abs day!
Relateable content at its height
No children were harmed in the making of this comic
This one only counts as 1/2
I will not.
Good roast