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Out of sight
Sorry wrong person
This is perfect for both toddlers and drunk adults.
Ace Ventura is the best of Jim Carrey in my opinion.
Ruled by cats
This birb is melting
Fire Swords
In the men's restroom today
Who doesn't love these things together!
Rail cat
Do tell...
Understandable incident
Vulture culture
The double life of Xi Jinping
Cups in Japanese McDonald's
Joe reading this title
They are people after all, I suppose.
First sweet potato harvested!
When men get sick...
Fabbiha cannot handle your shit rn
My buddy is really into cheese making right now.
This is worse than saying it out loud.
This hit me right in the feels
cover up
Raise your paw if you are a good boy.
An impression of deja vu
Thank FSM I drink water
Bueller, Bueller, Bueller...
The ultimate way to serve corn to your guests
Undeveloped country
Such wisdom can only come from this man.
Spiderman: far from seeing
Be gone thot
This patient is disturbed
Sexy chess.
Meed The Mayor Of Idyllwild, Ca. His Name Is Max. He's A Very Good Boi.
A new poster for Hobbs and Shaw that I made yesterday. Based off someone asking, "Is Hobbs & Shaw about that kid and his stuffed tiger?"
Guess who didn't pay for renovation
The only tool you need
Yes I would
"I saw a mouse this morning, and it was this big!"
My friend plays roller derby. A photographer caught an interesting picture of her during a championship game and I felt it needed more dinosaurs...
I've seen terrible things
In honor of the anniversary of the last bag of peanuts offered on a Southwest flight, Orlando International Airport set up this exhibit to honor a relic of airplane food history
Gentlemen, do not go to Kohl’s!
The signmaker, has some time on their hands...
Everyone gangsta until the ***roach starts flying
Rare spawn
Das bard revew es da best
Side effects.
"What the actual *** guys"
Full servers lately
Hey, it's in the bible
This is how stupid it sounds when people gives arguments against vaccines.
me too
Gotcha bish
Badly behaved children will be made into pies!
the ultimate gamer book
I still don’t understand why people are smoking USB flash drives!
Not today, Satan
Man Milk
100 Stealth
Using societal conformity to stop him from attacking. Nice.
It really did though
Good ol' rub and tug
Computers went back farther than you think
Calm down avengers! John wick got him already
Well played gentlemen, well played..
Video Game Doggo On Set
"Bum"pkin Bowl
Lost Doug please locate ASAP
If you have ever wondered how magicians levitate...
Will smith works for nestle
The Queens Dresses
Anybody remember Jack Handey
I’m gonna take my horse to the...
Feeling cute, might puke on the carpet later idk
Going home
No excuse for a typo
My daughter can play hind and seek with the best of ‘em.
C'mon people!
Our kids are learning at an early age.
Found this in a candy shop the other day
They got me in the first half though, not gonna lie
double standards
You know what? Never mind...
Just hanging out...
I work at a call center. I like to draw my callers. I call this one: Every old person that has ever given me their email.
I had a bout of laughter because of this
Happy Birthday He-Crewes