Cop: if you’re not gonna wear a helmet, atleast wear a condom
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I’ve fallen too many time
If I had a dollar...
Cartoon Network Executives are on point
Photo of the two guards during epstein's suicide
woke and based
Why doe Gordon Ramsay’s son look like he about to yell at me for overcooking the scallops
Doctors hard at work
Geico gecko is getting aggressive
You can do it lil' bee
Karen meets Karen
Hey man, I'd do the same
My wife's name is Grace............
This hurts as a dog person. But it’s funny
"Please Buy Our Rocks!!!"
Netflix going deep meta
Simon didn’t think this was as funny as I did.
Guess my parents were right kids are soft these days
Darn it!
Love is tough
No longer dodge ram but ram dodge
Who ya gonna call?...
She printed out the DMs. RIP bro.
They finally made it!
A proposal she shall never forget
Couldnt get any worse.
Beautiful and unpublished photograph of a MIG-29 drinking water from a river
It's a Cat!
I am a mother to 3 boys and saw this on a translated to English sign once. I decided I needed these words in our bathroom as well.
Maybe that's where they all go.
Airplane seating chart
thats a lotta damage
Wireless doorbells sitting on their chargers.
Look at my teeth
Where does the time go?
It’s getting savage
Probably an oldie
Violence is introduced to humanity
We're at an impasse
Hows your diet going!?
imagine anon was just shitposting and woke up suicided with 4 bullets in the head
Assemble with one friend and one Escher.
Just make me an offer
That Jeffery was a funny guy.
My's been so long since I've logged into Skyrim
Pineapple on pizza...
It be true
Laundry Day is so loud
Balto always says
Gotta do it the right way
True happiness ;)
Yeah *** wtf!?
I need Spotify... now!
Truth behind "Aisopos" fable !
I'm still keep on laughing after seeing it more than 200 times.
images you can hear
It was a crazy party, we did all kind of drugs
Anti-Vax Logic
Welcome to the grown ups gang...
Like a boss
Brother say it ain’t so, brother
Worked to death
moNeY CAnT SolVe YoUr PRoblEmS
Not the Navy
I will hump this beast of the land!
30f + 98f (average body temp) = 50.5°C
*sad bear noises*
No, thanks I'm good
Haha what a lucky fella
Gotta milk this for all it’s worth
I'd rather be invited than not getting an invite at all
Who wants one?
I’ll come back when he’s 11
behold my stando [doctor suess]
Jealousy is stupid, I warned them
Loosing focus
Credit: sarcasm society
Hope its nit the 100. REPOST :'D
LiesAll Lies!!
Keaton Patti forced a bot to watch over 1,000 hours of Batman movies and then asked it to write a Batman movie of its own. Here is the first page.
Everyone has a first day some day
Nature's Sense of Humor
Press F to pay respect to Austin...
It has been a great year with you guys
Mind It....
I laughed too hard on this one
Got a decent lead on me tho
Just because she’s filled with wood doesn’t mean she’s a tree.
Life in Amsterdam
Automatic 5*