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Everybody gangsta until the cats start reading
It’s over Anakin
I am so dissapointed in you
a twist in the plot!
Give and take
It makes me weep to feel what has been lost.
Yes, but why did i draw this?
We're all Satan worshippers
Winner winner chicken dinner
Ahh, the joys of being a parent.
We all know a cat like this.
Send help. Please.
Resting my eyes.
Video games cause violence...
An artist retold the tale via graffiti.
Ey buddeh! I smell Kraft dinneh
I’m tired for sure
Those damn cop!
Wow he’s a lucky guy!!
Swing Set Achievement Like A Boss
Aye, papi
That's a great deal for vintage roller skates
Running out of time
I connect with this on a deep level
If it worked, it worked
The town of Dildo, Newfoundland, Canada just erected a new sign.
He identifies as both
Sheep attack
Suicide bombers
Lined up two cereal boxes to make captain crunch look like a thief.
Employee satisfaction is very important
The forbidden questions...
Going to be a weird wedding, I’m down though
Bob Ross remastered
If it won’t wash your car then why even buy it?
Wrong bar
True story, who you gonna call..
My last day of work party announcement has gotten out of hand
Gotta love blueberries!
Error 404: Happiness not found.
I have very little hope for humanity
Dude, how many of those are you getting?
Two Dogs and a Cat go to heaven.
Nephew was stung by a bee. HIs mom asked him to show her where he was stung..
A life worth living
These things always make me chuckle. Wack.
Catastrophe in three, two, one...
You guys are getting funny me
not yet
Not my mom!
Made a Canadian sandwich...
get that long, good succ
you are cured!
From a visit to China.
Kit Cat is just a little chunky
Man uses shower gun, it’s very effective
True story
makes sense really
He finally fell asleep when my wife asked for a picture and i wanted to let her know what hes been like until then
The Good Book
The future is stupid...
Pope spray
could have been a prequel
She went full white girl crazy
Bitᴄhes love magic
We believe in you
Boston's got interesting problems
I had cancer *instant golden buzzer*
Sith Threepio. I’ll see myself out
What's that!? Pt.2
I did my time
Paid 125 for window seat.
I agree with banning straws but the West is not the problem...
Gotta pull some naruto run on the bull
These security questions hurt me
Guess why i did ?
If you know you know.
I played My little pony video game, lock me up, im a murderer
Sounds pretty accurate.
Welcome home Sean! Baaaa
War-chest-it-ara-ara-sha-shire sauce
Can someone get me and gus a bail please?
Marketplace is an experience
*nervous human noises *
can we keep em?
I'm that guy
This guy's got it
Damn liberal media.
Move-in ready