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Creating OC means seizing the means of production for the greater good.

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My professor's door
Ah classic...
so it isnt gay
It's best to play the game after midnight with a bucket of chicken next to the tank.
Rare photo of a white shark stepping on a lego piece
what would be the correct response
watch out Watch Out WATCH OUT
C is for Cold-blooded
Aww man I only got blood pressure pills and an antacid
Bad choices ma dude
that's because I had a no. 3 special
Killer Hips
A Volvo 240 Swallowing its Prey
Dunno who made this but it's funny..
Blew me away.
Are you using soap!!
I got the new iPhone early
So.....harry testies?
Remember when this was a joke? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Area 51 raid must not die
At least no sunburns for him
Take that, ***-ass puppy
Join the army they said... see the world they said...
Fatherhood done right!
Two number 9s, a number 6 and a number 8 mini
Everybody likes them
Well then.... I guess having a pool is nice......
This Cub is about to learn a valuable lesson
Let me light up real quick
squad wallpaper goals
The iPhone 11 revolutionizes cooking
58 is the number to beat
Zoolander 3 looks... Interesting
I need me some Pule
Whomever did this is a legend
Yeah, i'm a trashcan
i hope i can tell him to fire
Happy anniversary
Burn Ward
The had truth
Chonker Pokèmon
Missing Mug
Hasbro thinks women need a head start to be equal to men because they are inferior
Tech Support: Now and forever.
When you come out of volume 51 knowing that the Bermuda's triangle is actually a PYRAMID
obama giving obama medal.jpg
potions master.
It's a secret.
I’ve always wondered. Now we know
Hells Fargo
Remember kids, in moderation
Interviewer: What’s your biggest struggle in the workplace? Interviewee: Sometimes I just am a bit of a perfectionist and work too hard. Interviewer Next Question:
Starting a new healthier lifestyle
Rise of the fallen.
I'm offended!
I can't even do that with my imagination...;)
My daughters first ever school photo. She was so excited for days, went in and got mugshot instead.
Cool Chinese Names.
I need to know how!
Dammit, Doreen!
Let’s have a friendly trade shall we?
Language of the gods
taking off a condom be like
Are you trying to sign in on a different computer?
How To Pose Like This.
Facebook greentext is a new genre
My 4 y/o made me breakfast in bed
Bert looks like he's questioning the relationship
Ahahah So Cute...
Terrible indeed
Between A and B, I’d say B is more likely.
f u body
My friend.shot his first hole in one today!
Be Brave
My little cousin
Truer words were never spoken. Preach, bruh.
2 little piggy
I don’t date married women
*Laughs in capitalist*
Hrmm I see now do I
Hello Hungry, I'm Dad
Shrek It Ralph
My friend’s daughter’s homework.
Wendy's getting triggered
No Karen, I don't!
Excuse me what
I’m glad I learned that
As a boy, I agree
Peak artistic talent
Think twice before buying a 12 foot tall beach ball