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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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We've all been making the wrong assumption.
Stalagmites don't pull this BS
Here have a McRib.
Country girls make do
Humans vs Extinction
hate it when that happens
When you switch difficulty
Okay Masta, let's kill da ho! Beeeeeeeetch!
Will it also seal my doom tonight
Spent 10 minutes snapping pics of my wife so she could have 'the perfect sexy Instagram photo.' When she was finally happy I asked her to return the favour. We got this beauty in one take.
When will these guys learn that we live in a society
Nice of him
Finally something I agree with
Never fall asleep in public or else...
Cat Bus
Why Education System why
Wow thats right...
Thanos flop
I exist in a state of quantum superposition in which I both love and hate memes
Gotta be ready for whatever happens
Don't dead, open inside
we will yeet them on the streets, we will yeet them on the beaches
There living a dream
Blanche doesn't grasp the concept of homosexuality
She lookin like a snack
Yeah, nope.
Poor billy
Go and boil your bottoms, sons of a silly person!
A dump , entirely
I read the news today! Ohhh boy.
This book on the counter where I get waxed...
And down the rabbit hole we go...
colour me surprised
It's bad luck for a black cat to cross your path with a tank.
Garage sale sign seen today. Wonder how she did?
Sky pupper
The sneeze.
It’s my 50th birthday today and my kids made me laugh so hard with this card - it’s funny because it true !
We need people to see this!
This made me laugh; I hope it’s not a repost.
Taxidermy done right
My dog whenever I have food
Twix being funny
That darn Karen!
My favorite mug.
You're wedding, I'm eating! Deal?
Ah yes, a god
Good thing that he has his music on
Juice Demon.
i like candles
Really helpful
Cant sleep
Are we just going to ignore that this burrito blanket looks like somebody shit the bed?
"Doctor Who" TARDIS casting
Where the hell have you been mom?
I fear greg, you should too
Coke Milk
Had me in the first half, not gonna lie
At least we get orange arrows
My cat heard sirens and she knew her time was up
At least he knows what he’s signing up for
Congrats man.
B*tch tells of the future
How's it feel being the tallest manlet in the world?
Trademarks ain't got nothing on M A T H
So, that's why the fish aren't biting.
Finaly we will know
Doing the Lord’s work
Not mine but wanted to share
The fox doesn’t know
Too right
The Next Logical Step
Old man Jenkins
Aww yes, I'm a motherfuᴄking ant now
Ready to go to dinner in a Chinese restaurant.
Of fun...
The Right Amount of Pasta
Cutest “designated” driver EVER
Spotted in the wild
Asks for "extra mayo" receives a 'McCumshot', courtesy of Ronald McDonald's dick.
First post on this sub please be nice
A noine-noine
Renault Phantom
I give this a book a perfect score of 5/7.
Who the *** am I
Passive aggressive club
Oh lawd he comin'
Damn birdo
It's 2019, we need to start calling them turts
Any Resemblance to Actual Persons, Living or Dead, is Purely Coincidental
passive aggressive Alaskans
Anon asks a valid question
Fear in middle Tokyo
"Bicycles", now where's my $300k?