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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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What a shitty way to start your morning
Heavy metal even
1 degree = 1 zoom
Online friends meet for the first time.
I wish I had already done it
Win win
Akshually, I brought my own *reaches into pockets for spaghetti*
Yoga master
this man is peak Alpha
They own us
I'm just a poor boy nobody loves me
I wonder why all the fathers left
Remember, memes can be wholesome too
It was all I could see
The “I’m not mad, I’m just disappointed” Jesus
Anon learns piano
haha yeah like that isn't normal
Honk honk
It doesn’t care what the volume is it
Construction sign in Vancouver, Canada
How to make girls wet 101
My house
Just bought one online ....doesn’t work
The Simpsons will never get old!
Who is this i.n.c.e.l?
T-t-t-t-t ta tarrgeeetttttt
Well, that’s good enough for me!
Yesterday I was running. I tripped and fell. This is what my fitness tracker has to say about it
So just $4 a ride then?
Pretty sure this cat knows kung fu
A good photographer can only get you more tinder matches
Damn right... wait, what?
I felt bad for laughing..
Anon gets burned
Relax, Gringo...
Yo nintendo whats good
Think long term.
more in the comments
the fack of absolute what
I didn't sign up for this
*swirls it around*
No plz
It’s only fair.
Unfortunately lost them in a boating accident
Actually would be nice
Halloween 2019
Bing keeping it real
Big brain
Quick, name your favorite german pokemon
Good times, good times
Taco Bell has really stepped up their spicy game
The Troof
Ah yes
Thanks for checking
Just take a peek
Faster than a speeding bullet
Who fell here?...
TIL that my grandmother was Robert De Niro
Please help yourself!
Imagine eating that many breadsticks.
It gets worse every year
The legends foretold of the mighty cheddar.
True legend!
A friend sent me this. "In some way I feel cheated. But at the same time they don't lie."
Send in the Thot
Pulling a sneaky on death
The Wise Man of the Mountain
Pizza time
I can’t be the only one who sees it...
i can't stop screaming (OC)
death is the preferable alternative to communism
I know it is a kind op repost but spread the news
Those legs tho
My name is Adam and I approve this message
The answer has been before our very eyes all along
Viking heritage
Letter to the tooth fairy
I wonder what happened to the sausage...
Came across this simple illustrated 6-step guide teaching foreigners how to poop in Thailand.
Has slavic science gone too far?
I believe her
take me out
Drag on deez nuts
Work related purposes only.
As an IT guy, I understand that
Why are his arms and legs so small
greatest story ever told
At least they got to stuff their faces during his quadruple triumph
realization of truth..
Lol do it
This is the law of equivalent exchange
Cue studio audience laugh track...