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*Happy Suicidal Noices*
yeh boi
wii players>>>
Fresh format here, hey to everyone sorting by new
The year is 2192
Poseidon doesn’t give a sh*t
Fricking jim
makes u cry when squirting in your eyes
Mr Steal Your Girl
"Mom, Phineas and Ferb turned my name into a punchline"
I wish it was colder..
"How to write good"
My Dad sent me school supplies. I'm 35M and a freshman in college for the first time.
Don’t fall for it!
Out played
Please God, just give me a sign.
Sin away or he died for nothing
Both are true
A proper sport!
Et 2 HB, Brute?
Oh, you like music?
huh i haven't seen the move and i didn't even realize!!
Not such a bad guy.
I'm smitten with mittens
Conservation of mass is my hero
Checkmate, cat!
Smith needs to be in a tier above
Let's play teleconference meeting!
100% works
Detective Banksy
Not quite as I remember
Ride or die
Every RPG ever...
Half Life SFX posting #14
War is inevitable
5% p
Talking about Three generic dudes!!
Best disguise
Anon dates a girl
Oh My!!!
knot me
Quick question buddy: Who’s a scary boy?
Pull start for a dishwasher. This was listed for sale on my local Facebook marketplace.
Angry cat noises
Wholesome birdys
Moment when a new coworker comes to work all excited and motivated, but you have been working there for three years and know what's waiting for him.
Met a stranger with the same exact nose piercing, haircut, makeup, and outfit as me.
Apple iVac
×insert moonrunes here×
Looks like a storm is brewing... maybe tomorrow
absolute madness!
Ah yes
Annual Unhated Nations Convention
Fancy Dress
What can you control?
I’m uncomfortable
That’s a very specific fetish
You and me both!!
Almost uncanny!
Smartest thing I’ve seen today
I met my upper half tonight
Wow, this is so nice.
No favourites, that would be unfair.
Am I in the right place
Now this is productive!
Ultimate power play
Dirty Van seeking Good Time
Naughty or Nice?
I'm Batcat! Mew!
Thank you, Siri.
Forrest Gump for the modern age
It's an illness that affects many
*** I know you hear your kids in here screaming. I'm 'bout to bite one
Amazon reviewer has strange priorities
Betrayal is in the air
Im sorry did I miss halloween?
Praise be unto the water
Sooooo tired
I am not the creator of this but this is awesome
lol *cries*
Boyfriend is looking after my cat. He put the tv on and turned round to find this...
This Confession written by a visitor in the Museum of Prostitution in Amsterdam
We live in a Tri-State Area
Thonks for the chonks
Spooky wholesome
I can never resist a good ol’ fashion photobomb.