my cartoon gets posted a lot every Halloween. guess I'll do it this year.

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Better than Infinity Wars
Moms: *evil laugh*
Is that Chihuahua?
I came in to the office early and switched as many M and N keys on keyboards as I could. Some might say I'm a monster but others will say nomster.
Wife left the gloves to dry, I almost had a heart attack
Dark shit....
this is oddly sweet
well, true
100 ways to get a balloon off a ceiling number 56 the dad way.
i wish i got that
What a banger
Never lose your glasses again!
Some holiday truth
Pro gamer move
Maya hee
Uncle Ben nooooo
this is peak US healthcare
the 47249th time i make a joe joke
The instructions clearly stated DO NOT feed after midnight, Karen.
some OC, fresh out of the oven
Happy hours forever.
Thanks, now I can't get the image out of my head
the legends say you can hear the slaps from the ocean floor...
Looks like someone got lucky last night.
This Sobe water lid had a SOS
Who paid for you?
This sums up my to-do list progress...
Lovely Rita
Thank you, back of mens room door.
Ding Dong
Just a young orca in Vancouver, BC
And they said I'd never make it anywhere in the scientific community!
Harry pothead
Mr. Incredible meme
Honesty is best policy
This just might be one of the greats
Helping you find the mattress size that works best for your family
you little ***
The irony of this sign at a restaurant.
Finding the Master Sword
Google's uncomfortable truth
My local sheriff just posted this.
My friend made me some f*@#ing cookies for my birthday
You see little one, all those trees, I peed on them all, they are mine.
I hope they do
A fireman did what?
Hulk Prime Estate
They lost their common sense too...
The more you read the better it gets
Bob Ross left the chat
We all float down here.
At the last day at my job, my co workers got me this personalized cookie...
That’s why we won
Gotta feed the man
I’ll be sobbing while you guys go sky diving and Rocky Mountain climbing
From Beirut protesters
Real Internet wisdom
Say no to sugar
A bargain is struck
I told you!
I use the silencer at night
aw shit here we go again
I guess I will go hiking then
Its grey
Batman and Joker
Simple science
Bread machine broke
From @Brightside
Thanks Bulgaria, very nice
Alchemy 100
Damn Those Cats
- I was told that adding the Brazzers logo to this pic with my friends would improve it
That thing would survive the judgement day
Monsters Under The Bed
EASY guide to becoming more FOCUSED and having GOALS
Something went wrong: Title must not be empty.
Does your dog bite? No, worse, it judges.
yeah, the government made me a failure
ah yes
the mind boggles
So will you go out with her
Time to be died