Some call it vandalism. Might just be art.

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why tho...
you can really feel the emotion, i cry aaa
Set up my Mom’s updated tv system yesterday.
You say your favourite hobbies are welding and blinding people? Have I got a product for you, then!
A knotty situation
I think Mr. Fluffles needs a exorcism...
he was truly ahead of his time
Rough world for the boys out there
bully for you
Who you boo me
Omg that's me!
The anklebreaker
ꜱhit just went from aluminum to lead real quick
ORANGE is my new best friend
#memevember Classic
Yelling at cats
Getting the same drink as my friend
How to set up a mac in 5 easy steps
you can check out but you can never leave ...
Ikea snowman
I was born a Jaguar, but identify as a Meerkat...
My mother's hospital record lists me and my siblings as "Past problems "
In a while...
The recital
Theres a boot in my snake
Well positioned leaning Tower of Pisa on gym leggings
Mythologically correct.
Watching Fresh Prince when all of a sudden, Carlton's jacket looked very familiar...
Walter Pinkman and Jesse White
How to make a doggo coconut
Self hate intensifies
'Hol up
I bet we could explore the GALAXY...
How to tell if a cantaloupe is ripe
good ol' gabe
The Dallas Straight Pride Parade was basically two men on a date.
Surprise your loved ones with your new blood pillow
Coffee! And f**k off
BIG men need FROGGY chair
I’ll just awkwardly stumble through the word until we get hitched
episode 3: attack of the boomers
For all the big brains out there
Proud granny
For the Emperor
Sergej approve
Your atoms, give them to me
absolutely haram
there IS no other reason
I am speed!
Name your dog well
so sad
Mom, I'm lost, can you come and get me?
My nephew wrote the most accurate description of Walmart that I have ever read.
Friendship anal let's your homies know you're looking out for their ass
We bought this eight years ago and never replaced the picture. My sons calls it our alternate reality family Christmas pic.
Mike Wazowski can't catch a break
Squid Pro Quo
Milking it
3am after a night at the club
Four visits later, and my proud grandma still has no idea.
Frozen filipino
Thought of you.
More like “Trick or Treat!”
I'm scared
Easy enough
Attempted to take a cute picture of me and my dog. This was the result.
My boyfriend said he made holiday cookies...
Everyone love's hotdogs
Now that’s a lot of damage
Recently had a CT scan and noticed this in the report...
IKEA in store survey. Seems a bit personal...
BEEgon thought
Awesome Mandalorian art by BossLogic
This is punderful
Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads.
Even the bads has their happy ending... maybe!
this is so sad
Not one but two bites
I just „died” on the floor from laughing at this
it is i, the great clown pagliacci
Evidence enough for me
That's basically me in a nutshell
Well, THAT date just went down like the Luftwaffe over Britain
Behold the Cataloupe!
living his best life
x & y Variations
Voldemort is back
Well.. he does ngl
Tony the chef
Who needs a Lamborghini anyway
Mobile Games
Forgot to carry the 1... again
They DO have good music though
One is slightly bigger than the other