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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Goodbye Santa
never forget
Staying at a hotel. We didn’t put them there, but well done who ever did.
where do I pickup my payments then?
World Anti Doping Agency ban Russia for drug taking
Do as I say, not as I do.
Actors vs reality.
Swedish Borg
The moon was out during the day for this special engagement.
Hugh Jackman's small edit to make the Free Guy poster better
PC Showcase
My dad did it for a good second and as an optimist 7 year old I tried it... and flew backwards in the water
Because boobies?
Cat yoga
Merry Xmas.
Square up flea bags
Ho ho no
Special relationship
At the airport waiting to embarrass Jimmy
Baby Yoda Show > New Trilogy
In Britain, we sell brushes for everything
Shut up, Matt
Big Sad
Won't get any EVs though
Beware of crab gangs
Best ex ever !!
protecc and sever
My New Year's resolutions need updating
Perfectly balanced
This wet floor sign at the Toronto aquarium
"What do you mean I bum everyone out?"
High Deer
Thank you Gen Z, very cool.
Kinda true
Gentleman, we got him
No one escapes the handbag game.
Do not question the CHONK
Who hurt you NYC Sanitation copy writer?
You better watch out ...
Cheezit the cat is a heavy sleeper
Place your bets
Find the name of the absolute madlad who wrote this article
The evolution of footwear
Dr.pepper with the boys
westside story
My daughters Christmas list I just read. I almost choked on my burger.
Wait, Tom was jewish?
hello there
parents, 9 hours before the flight
Finland knows whats up
Toads are green today
More buttons means more power
Mechanical = Mechanic
where did he get that drink?
Happy sea flap flap.
“Manly man”
This person won’t be wrapping the kids’ presents anymore
Dad: "I don't want a pet" Dad and the pet after one day:
Sorry, this post has been removed
Spess marin
My wife asked me to block the cat door into the basement. I’m waiting for her to discover IT
Detective smelly on the case
uh oh
"Why do time travelers keep trying to kill me? "
Murray noooooo
My neighbors Christmas spirit is bigger than his door.
In the back of my Lyft drivers car. Merry Christmas!
My kids are going to be so excited on Christmas
scrubby side for rough fuϲking
Why u booing me? Im right...
Buddy was traumatized from getting his claws trimmed.
When the Roles Reverse and you Bite the Dog
The Economist
I think your mom forgot something in Paris.
The very best, bar none.
Rewind bad
"Imma watch it later, for sure... maybe"
Found in my grandpa’s office
This scene in the movie paul
Toilet Seats
Donate to TeamTrees
titles are hard
Only 90s kids understand this
This camel is legit.
A true talent!
Wonderbread guy is a planet-eater in this canon
'murican Christmas Tree
Solidarity forever.
Getting dodgy
This dude is awesome!
Free stuff!!
Girls vs Guys