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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath
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Same story every year
I think you’ve got it the wrong way round mate
This sign I found at a local movie theater
New Year, new rules!
That's a red flag
Beeing alone on New Year’s Eve... an absolute win!
F. Long live the king. rip
My favorite evening activity
Man attempts to sell coke
Hope everyone’s ready for every prom/homecoming to be “The Roaring 20’s” themed for the next 10 years...
Winners and Losers
Next Decade
It’s pizza time
I want to love something that much someday....
You know she is right
Oh no, capitalism.
Fasten your seatbelts
How dare she indeed
Sri Lankan currency says it all..
They truly are the lowest scum in history
Drugs are good kids.
But for me!
How nice guy's think sex works
PSA: Excessive Flapping Ahead
Ok, you ain't wrong...
I passed this guy and he was smiling. He already knew he made my day better!
New Years Retribution
My cat is astonished by air travel
I can't wait for 2034
How my dating life went in 2019.
Doggo ice cream
Drown The Clown.
Never throw a coin
New Year New Me...
Young shoppers. Ibuprofen.
2020 Goals.
I honestly forgot how genuinely funny Phineas and Ferb was
Let me post this before it's to late.
Disappointed Doggo
Seen at my local Walmart
Because someone has to do it..
To thinking
Unread messages
The flavor of disappointment....
Flute Season
"I need a goddamn pizza"
Love the South
I can hardly spot the difference
Found this in a gas station
My grandmother got my grandfather this ornament for X-Mas.
my first year was fun here
It's so warm outside!
Follow the steps
Too me for me
I’ll take your finest bottle
Local artist at the mall has her finger on the cultural pulse of the nation.
Why master?
You tell them Elon!
An alternate stop sign
What to do and not to do with animals
This show at Hong Kong Disneyland will haunt me forever...
:( :)
Please, just don't
- Paul Walker, 2013
Asian Brad Pitt
Spotify exposing people out here
*makes smoll explosives*
The confusing in-between days
Christmas in a nutshell...
What a nice cloud!
It has since been removed!
My friend's cat likes to catch lizards.. this one caught him back
crisis averted
Ah yes, the ploice
So much for OC..
The App We Need
Joyous Occasion for Most People...Not for Her
Not sure what my brother's cat is trying to do here
Things were going quite well during the wedding until the outdoor reception was about ready to start...
Either body soap or hair soap, Grafo not dum dum
Every damn Christmas
be the couch
golden photobomb - happens 1/20000
When children decide to cry
Exhaled out of my nose, I did
Cries in gen X.
She is actually 500 years old
"Just my luck..." -That Person
Baby cow reunites with his family
Christmas present under the tree