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Don’t do the crime if ya can’t do the time.
turning off the basement light
Saw a tow truck today
Nooo kitty!
This will never not be funny.
One for the weebs
Ah, never try =never fail, the life of a winner
hiding from the grammar nazis
pp touch
oh no
down under
What a weird thing to happen
I asked my wife to pick up some frozen fruit at the grocery store
In the ice machine
What a year, huh?
haha yea, it do be like that
Chemicals in the Water
It do be like that
luigi, help
Always give a reach around
Masochists. Am I right?
The background music of your life.
She melted after seeing her crush
Access granted
It's a competitive market out there.
Review of headphones
Omg it’s so pretty I could eat you.
Verily, m’lord doeth not succeed.
A honey bee colony taking up residence in your walls is how you get ants.
No one out pizza’s the hut
My 15yo daughter bought this frog thingy at a thrift store and then painted him majestically.
He said my bad though
Vans got really pissed
You are Doggo approved
check mate February
Someone’s out there photoshopping teeth onto babies and it’s my new reason to live
can we have a moment of silence for the fallen
What my 11 year old niece did to her calculator for her next math competition....
Get nae naed
Sometimes Im funny
Just waiting on my Baglebites like...
My koozie is the best koozie.
what are they supposed to eat now? normal food?
Angry peppers
Let’s not be ridiculous
Careful. Phrasing.
literally me :crying_laughing:
What a load of ...
Round dog
This guy's nose looks like a woman twerking.
Can you erase my ex from the photo?
How you know you're in a good neighborhood
India is not a place
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear
Realizing that squirrels usually land like Iron Man.
My curse
Get This Party Started
Who booking this on February 14th?
Highest level of friendzone achieved!
Gotta make use of it!
the future is bright
it do be
There will never be as good of sitcoms as there were in the 90's.
Went to my rental and found the tenant had put this on the front door.
Sue Towe Science
11 more to go....
non nobis domine
The happiest little heater ever
Our Vegas plumber
It's time to nuke again
This valentines sign!
Why do drugs when you could just collect stamps?
Dont fall guys
did you just identify my species
I’m in IT and one of my goals for this new year is to be more helpful.
Well said !
when you suck so hard at baseball your dad goes back to afghanistan
ocular trespassing
I’mma be honest with you, that looks like a Ford.
oh god oh no
Zap me
everybody liked that
That's so nice
East side homeboy
Pikachu really tryna catch em all
Civil disobedience in Canada
The true meaning of friendship
2020 goals - I'm smashing it! Finished my diet already :)
Sorry brittish brothers in meming