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Oh man, they strike back
Poor, unfortunate souls!
One of life’s great mysteries
Happy Valentine's day frens.
If repost I'll delete, otherwise, muh inclusivity
Lonelyman and his Toilet paper.
Pets Experiencing Total Annihilation
Toss a phone to your teacher
Mine is the void
When TF2 episode 1 droppin'?
Stay after class if you want to show skin
Feminists hate her, click here to learn why
r a d i c a l
Disturbing to think about
Next level recycling
It's Feb 14th already?!
Spotted in Brighton on valentines day
Too true
Spice Up Your Valentine’s Day With These Lovely Poems
Peak Australium
Come back Franku
Start healthing with Lysol
Just missing that red lipstick
I mean... it's not wrong
Game of loans.
This person is living in 2040
That’s the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen.
Dat escalation tho..
tenk u dawk
Nobody came to my loneliness seminar
Well obviously
Weird, but if you say so..
Well i now own a duplex !
This little girl is skeptical AF & who can blame her? The bear is her size, talks, and makes strange eye contact at all times
Beat friend I ever had
before Tinder singles would look for love in the newspaper
This happened after sitting on the toilet for 20 minutes at work...
My tattoo artist added something new to his wall...
This also applies to piano lessons.
day 38 of drawing a grumpy animal every day for a year. want to see my beaver?
We were lied to. The future is so much better.
strike me down with great vengeance
I love my frens
No Valentine's day date? Look on the bright side.
Bit concerned about the guy who just bought in at seat 7...
I hope his wife can take a joke.
With Valentines right around the corner I wish everyone a good day!
My cat felt very confused
That’s one way to handle it
He who shall not be named
Anon is something else
Meanwhile, in 1963...
Samantha L. Jackson
Because the world needs to know
burn the witch
February 13th is when everyone does some maintenance before Valentine’s Day.
I am at Target right now, and there’s a lady here who has plugged a housephone into a phone jack at the in-store Starbucks. She’s making plans with a friend...
It's Not Free Then
I've got a...
we in the future bois real women are irrelevant now
What on earth
How to hide a line on a screen
*tweet tweet*
Deeee mothhaaaa
Collect them all
feel the bern of no lube
I have a financial condition [OC]
Thot patrolled
A wise choice!
You're gonna need two hands
I think they speak from experience...
Valentine's day schedule
No man needs to have all that power
fragile, like Guiseppe
tryna look dummy thicc for those insta hearts
Damnit Joe!
I'll take his word for it
I’m upset
At least it's not the frog. Or... Is it?
amm or fmmmm
glad to have you on board
How did I miss THIS award ceremony?!
the future is looking bright
Repost cus old post got taken down...
hard time dont last but hard *** do
Still better than toe beans
I saw this and became 5 years old.
Alabama cousin is best cousin
Why is everyone looking at me?
All wahmen r queens