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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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Today's conference in a local university on why antivaxxers are wrong
Remember to not have any babies. We have to stop climate change
Baptists do have a sense of humour.
pizza, the crow starring brandon lee, marriage
the beard
a man of culture
'90's kids will remember
Handy tips for guys
It's a Bird
No no she's got a point
That’ll be me in a few weeks!
I hear you like pie charts
Will Smith but white
How to speak kiwi
Three Musketeers Still love this movie after all these years!
ultimate panel posting
quality control
do you want to be ants? because that's how you BECOME ANTS
The devil may just cry
we definitely don’t.
2002 was weird. Kelly Rowland texted her man via Microsoft excel and got mad because he didn't text back.
Painted this! I call it, “Romeo and Juliet”
Pretty sure Roger Stone is Judge Doom from Who Killed Roger Rabbit.
Duck this week
Yes you will
it aint much, but its honest work
My toddler picked out a “super cool hot dog card” for his favorite uncle.
Clever bathrooms at a restaurant that used to be a US Post Office.
Cause of death
Ahh a Man of Culture
Should have stuck with Times New Roman
Love me some Dick's. No homo
Damn go big or go home.
possibilities are endless
How to offend geeks with one picture
As smooth as my brain
I wouldn’t even mind them knocking on my door at 7am on Saturday.
Move on
i have tits give me your money
Move over Miley, and your Wrecking Ball...
this and radical islamists
If you don't have a fridge - use snow instead
Septic Service
pink lion
What absolute rebels
What could go wrong...
day 45 of drawing a grumpy animal every day. grumpy anteater
My grumpy three-month-old
Crazy sore muscles but no bath tub? Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Your feelings are wrong.
I was rewatching slow-mo guys and I noticed something…
No clue if this has been posted before. But I love it.
Um, rude?!
I can’t eat them anymore.
Battle of the titans
"muslim friend" yea right
Grrr... I despice the oublic
Yet no one talks about Ozzy Osborne
Error 404: Drink not found
My 14yo son draws a new comic each night on his bedroom door whiteboard. This one was up this morning.
Always Remember: Your greatest enemy is yourself.
China's fuᴄked
I'm not sure how helpful this was, although I made myself laugh
True success.
We finally figured out what the spot on our dog's back looks like.
Death Row
Coffin Skate
Someone at my GFs work out these up in the bathrooms
My 5 year old apparently let his brother draw tattoos all over him... oh and those circles on his right ribcage are abs I am told.
it is not about money, it is about sending a message
Goth girls are the best
Alabama by region
They are just trying to be nice
The first snow of the year is coming to Raleigh today. We usually handle it pretty well.
Sorry, he's out of stock
Pink Freud!
Hey you behind me! Have a great day!
Da *** is that thing?
It’s okay, I brought popcorn! Carry on with the show!
Coming 2021
Size matters
Amazing View
'I want to speak to your manager.'
An English lesson
A Star Wars I'd like to watch
So...Yeah...This happened earlier today.
No discomfort, no expansion