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I've touched a lot of things in my time
Breaking News: The Simpson accurately predicted how I was going to work from home
Anon and the girl
Self-isolation day 8. God help!
I don't trust my fortune.
Quarantine Day 13. Made a new recipe: egg with egg.
Essential businesses coming together at such a crucial time
I don't see any difference.
ah, yes
Skynet went too far
Dancing Queen
home run
Anon the catgirl
The future is now
Rabbitholing during quarantine
Alexa: Intruder Alert
so sad
Brooklyn 99 warned us about COVID-19
And a new cardi b album in may
If you pay me $200 I'll upvote your post
Every little help is appreciated
Anon has the stop the game
sliding into dms 101
Yes, you are
Working up to buying a snake.
Bartok knew..
Not relatable anymore
The world rn
The joys of working from home.
Seriously, who goes to a wedding in shorts? Totally disrespectful.
fun fact: 2020 has less episodes because it's the final season
I saw this on Facebook and was like man this is so accurate
I’m so old, Smithers once was a black dude....
Grabbed an old shirt for my day off before reading it again. I'm an ICU doctor.
How hedgehogs are made!
Mom's watching Sixth Sense. I rush the kitchen and leave. Waiting for a call...
Finished product of my toilet paper roll Joe Exotic doll. Took about 20 mins. Going To do Carole next.
Dogs vs. Cats
Pretty simple
RIP Tiger King
home alone 5: going the social distance
With Spring melting the snowdrifts, you can come across some crazy wildlife, like this two-headed snake
Today decided to dust off a tablet I once bought and never used and try my hands in making comics. Hope you enjoy my first try.
This is how I keep up with my calendar now.
He followed shelter in place before it was cool!
They're becoming way too much powerful
I would
Quarantine Day 26
*walks back and gets consumed*
Happens even here from time to time
Flowers and a note sent by a 2nd grader to his Teacher in Cypress, TX
Right about now
Ts and Ps
My Mom just came over to drop off a care package ... I’m 40 and she hid this inside lol
I had pizza delivered, I set it down on my patio table for one minute and came back to this.
I'm pro death
The Sacred Text
Goose is yelling to his friend about what bullshit it is to have to move during a pandemic.
My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!
His teeth practice social distancing
country women make do
My dad is a cartoonist for fun, but never shares his work because he isn’t up with technology. Thought I’d share his latest one that only my mom and I have seen
Told my wife I'd work on some home improvement projects during quarantine
I prototype unnecessary product ideas, these are the Transpri-Pockets, always have the full picture at what your pockets are packin’.
How are you keeping sane during quarantine?
6ft now and forever
How the T. rex really went extinct.
And it infects millions!
Chinese corona "healing" chambers be like
Well boys, we are winning
I do have a grill and barbeque sauce....
COVID drip.
Birds and the bees
Local strip club is finally clothed.
Took me all afternoon but I regret nothing!
Fossilized warning from Dad, the T-REX.
Skipping class
Rip in f
Only 2010s kids will remember this
kek lifestyle
We are the virus
Teach me your dark powers or else!
Kiss me through the phone, homie </3
We live in the best possible timeline
Finally some useful statistics
At least he didn't fúck a chimpanzee