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It's the story of your life
And the end of it's your death
And every word that's in between
Is just a waste of breath

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i think i prefer the originals
My mother attempted to cut frozen butter this morning
My wife didn’t appreciate me doing this with my kids LEGO but, May the 4th be with you.
I would trust him
Same man.
Yes it is
Her future boyfriend better watch out.
Can you also go on a scooter?
an important trait for every nurse
The absolute state of the Libertarian party
Maybe this is how corona started
uh oh
I wanted to get my shít together this semester
Oh yes
Wash your Hans. You don't know where he's been.
Soldiers Named a US Army Tank "Crippling Depression"
The only toilet paper my wife could find online. We’re in our 50s.
Like salt
Got up early to do this, it’s 12pm and no one in my house has opened the fridge yet I can’t control my excitement any longer
Thanks, ***
Is he playing chess
Ryan Reynolds Desktop
May your fourth be hairy
Saw this at a thrift store. Love it #CIAG
I think my grocery store might have a theft problem
The force isn’t so strong with this one
I'm also hard
Get In Line
She really did it somehow. Was I the idiot all along? (pt.2)
Americans will use anything but the metric system
This big dog scared of a tiny dog
The f*cking coke is f*cking RAW! (pt.1)
Murder Hornets, you say?
The Fermi Paradox, updated 2020.
This is popular i heard?
...... waiting.......
Ever wonder how Chinese people typing? This is how
A guide on how to gird your loins
Harry Potter and Dobby enjoying a quiet BBQ
Let kids be innocent
yes pls
You’ve been warned, Marty.
The perfect avocado
At least she got 4 likes
Too late?
To be fair, they got to open cool casinos...
Vegan Pizza.
As if it's ever going to hapoen...
Not mine but I couldn’t resist.
The real monster was the vacuum
One cheese to rule them all
My new side hustle
Time to D-D-D-Duel!!!
how chad's texts
Time for a new car.
Haven't laughed this hard in awhile
when smash bros runs out of ideas
I put my kids indoraptor mask on my GSD, she's terrifying.
Instant pot jokes!
Secret to a happy life.
Best translation I've read in a while
Get ready for the murderhornets
that sub is lit
Can i write gay or it's censored?
Very true T shirt
Best $4 ever spent..
I made a bar graph of my favorite quarantine beers
"Hes friendly"
Body goals. Stonks
First time looking after my niece and nephew for a full day today, whilst my sister was at work. Sent her a few photos to put her mind at ease.
Spinny Boy
dude looked *right* at me, but I was already committed to getting the picture...
Extroverts vs. Introverts
Cable management is critical at any workstation....
Sideways Oklahoma quarter
The apostrophe of happiness
Quarantine got me seeing things
Watch out
I found this in my neighborhood.
The coolest cat I ever did bee
Alex Jones is secretly Bill Dauterive
mult $t7, $a3, $s1\n jal $ra
Essiential workers right now
I'm pretty sure it's a hot dog, but then again...
Women magazines
quarantine food