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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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When will we get Caesar 2?
So I have to catch a mouse with mask!!!
Most of the times i hate life
Dad has all the answers
Welcome back. I had my money on 7 days.
why? just why
And the award for the Worst Nest Ever goes to...
No beer goes to waste in Vietnam
Wanna do a backflip
big tech in 2020
White woman gives birth to a black baby and accuses her husband of having sex with a black girl
Are we the baddies?
Old Age
Canadian space program
they asked for it
Well the intersection is true.
For those in long distance relationships
America sucks
the entire Hugelol discord
Where did dinosaurs come from?
blursed meow
I would argue that arachnids should be top predator
I would still go the American one
My calendar today
If they could read the caption they would be so pissed.
Drama (poking fun atmyself)
2020's official sign!
Choo Choo ***
Harsh but true
If 2020 was an ice cream truck
I play a spicy meme in attack formation
This is definitely me...
Shouldn't have eaten the incest apple, you two
It’s all a cover up
why does my dog look like this
Pardon me good sir, but it looks as if your trash can is empty
Gary Larson is the reason I used to buy the Sunday paper.
Stayin Alive.
William Shatner: “I’d do me!” Posted to his Twitter
Light mode should be illegal
Drinking buddies mug
I feel cold but my lungs feel hot
Walked Into The Middle Of An Anime Battle.
Since everyone went ham last time here i cropped it
Family T shirt
i’m dyin’ lol
Knew it.
Do your part, hide your part!
Decided to try and get one of those custom face-masks... it didn't turn out so good...
Duality of man
After seeing all the "look what my company sent me" posts
let them fight
I don't buy it
I wonder what he was running from?!
My first Zoom Meeting After Pandemic .....How about you.
My girlfriend and I have an ongoing argument about which direction the toilet paper roll should face. Today I've decided to assert my dominance with a padlock.
Where is the shredded cheese?
When a coworker whose company you enjoy texts you about something non-work-related for the first time
Looks like an awesome place for a job
Singles In Your Area
When nothing makes you happy anymore
Sounds good, I'll take five
rave reviews
The big bowl
Life cycle of a blackberry
Dog with a Pinecone
Reminds me of Kanjuro
Saw a Jeep driving itself today....
This is a face swap gone wrong
a deals a deal
I like me some Spunow
Does hacking in video games count?
Saw this glorious sign while driving home. These people know how to garage sale.
How to get a free meal...
Yep everything checks out
Google sees everything
The world calls for wet work - and we answered. No greater good. No just cause
Had a kid the other day. First thing I packed was correct 'dad-ttire' for the trip home.
Turtle strategy best strategy
its eyes so wobbly
Not very cash money of Russia.
Why is dentistry important? Lol
praise be
I can't tell if she's a giant or if that door is really small or if thats Thomas the Tank Engine on her knee
imagine being so cucked by ideology that you complain about girls making out