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no YOU were brehs with Epstein!
This sad ball is funny
Hold it spiderman
My brother in law says it looks like a rat licked a battery
Me and the boys looking for a game.
We'll never know...
It works every f**ing time
I'll admit it was a tight parking space but I squeezed into it. Never thought i’d have this left on my windshield for my accomplishment though.
After Life
No homo tho
Ara ara in the distance
What the devil is going on here?
Excel: Invite e-girl to eat fig
Time to expand the Empire
brehmocrats and brehpublicans
The Bill Gates frame-of-reference
Fuᴄking racists
still brehferable to be yourself brehs
Thank you she's beautiful
Cry, Jon.
This car drove passed us. Deadass thought its just the skin. Its cars. Tiny cars. Fricking tiny cars.
I think we have a lead on this....
I bring news
when will this curse known as big pp end?
its canon harry potter
A lot to comprehend
bwombs uwu
too soon?
Shit posting on Next Door
Just your average recipe book
That kind of a year
Best prank ever. Found these keys outside my work. Called the number on them. Apparently, dozens of sets of these keys were spread all over our town and the guy had been getting calls all day.
Follow safety steps if you wanna live
Should you eat that bacon? Found at a bakery in Charlottesville
This guy was following me asking what year it is, what a weirdo..
Owl gets arrested
My fortune cookie paper
Okay, ouch, I didn't ask for this degree of truth today, but also yes
It wasn’t legal before?
I've always focused on his shirt, but the Google search is a gem. "How to get my mum" And the suggestions are: 1. to love me, 3. to stop drinking, and the second one I can't read. Golden.
The Social Mob
As a dog owner I can approve this
Work Ethic
Probably a repost. I am sure everone has seen this already, but it made me laugh.
Well at least he's both his wife's husband and boyfriend
This is knot funny!
The experiment.
Just really feelin Wheel of Fortune tonight
In my store
One Adam Six Nine, requesting backup. This one's too big to handle on my own.
I drew this grumpy vulture
This tortoise is Cold Blooded
It's getting faster
Stay safe friends.
I hate technology
an afternoon at the museum
Summer 2020 - expectations and reality
A Story About Tolls...
Royal Rumble.
Ron Swanson’s mustache looks good on me
my new vacuum cleaner looks like a teutonic armor for cats
A friend of mine sent me this.
At the bank.
It's funny because it's true
They recommended you have three glasses of wine and it assembles itself. Working on the first glass now
This chef looked eerily familiar to me...
Time To Shut Down
Sushi jousting
This is not a crack house but a crack home
Sooooo worth it!
The Drive-Through
Nothing to worry about
7 billion people in this world and I’m so glad he was chosen as the face of our company!
goodnight sweet prince
Literally happened to me 2 weeks ago
Did my fortune cookie just threaten me?
Finding nemo on realistic graphics
Even COVID can't stop Indian TV series
Gamming generation gap
My favorite mural of all time. Asheville, North Carolina.
Nice welcome message at the in laws new home.
probably cant make the conversion
On this day, six years ago,Rihanna bathed in sewer from Rio de janeiro, thinking it was a beautiful Brazilian beach.
Heard someone talking loudly outside my window. Looked out, this is what I saw.
Yeah it does!
Men over 35 with skinny jeans
Freedom of '76.
It takes a global pandemic for the world to appreciate kalsarikännit
I am vengeance. I am the night.