my breh: breh why are taking a picture of my fridge? - me: you wouldn't understand breh :9

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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

Next Posts
Stocks go woosh.
The betrayal
Chicken arms.
I only signed up for one post
i do not see america i have torn my eyes out
Zuckerberg on the beach
Ah, puns
I’d hate to go to this school...sounds crappy
My mum wasn't very pleased
Here are some incredibly good looking yet useless shovels
Quite the irony
a grumpy tiger
DC condos really pretend that this is ok
Say it aint so...
This company picnic is doing it right!
Enjoying Corona premium
*revs up my Prius*
This was on the counter of my local comic book store.
You can pay to add your picture, what's wrong with that idea?
Fox News and CNN both bad right brehs
Everything is relative
Problem solving nowadays
but for some reason the neighbor's wifi doesn't work for me
Always money
"It just doesn't scream autumn...Maybe if she was holding a leaf?"
My 10yo son wanted me to share with all of you the suit of armor he’s been constructing.
My original
Gotta be protected
He got out scot-free
Seems very appropriate these days.
I'm not a giant , I'm just installing new flooring at a pre-school
Just a dog chillin
I feel safer already!
Reminds me of that South Park episode about bikers.
Sushi time
Roomba wearing a maid outfit
Save the raccoons!!
I would honestly give him 3 out of 3
This Mirror
The audacity
Kudos to the funny worker at JJ
USA number 1
I should have guessed it when she glowed in the dark
Dang it Jim
march forward my children
It's like a cooler version of a parrot
Time to wage war against Coca Cola
Tis Better To Have Been Cucked and Lost, Than To Have Ever Simped At All
Chad, suppressor of riots
i thought the onion was satire lel breh
A Bad Dog
How to be a farmer
gulp gulp gulp
This protester for democracy in Bangkok yesterday.
My cat turned 3, she was not impressed with the celebrations
Are you on catraception?
Lewis got this in the bag EZ
Re-enactment Photo
Devil's advocate
Gandalf the Grey
Got one for you
Vote Farris for President
That first email address... uugghh.
Will the SIMPs ever discover that there are free p*rn sites in the internet?
That’s how you know it’s true love
Funny date
Amazon is not much optimistic about the future
I asked my dad why he wasn’t eating. He said his pork bun was staring at him defiantly
I'm gonna wipe out the entire population of africa
Name Something Better
$2000 bird warmer
This fight
Get the job done son
Spank the booty sandwich
Unhand me, Satan!
serious leek under the sink
Polish speedway fans wanted to see the match badly, so they got themselves 18 cranes
Turntables the how!
Must admit he looks pretty cool doe.
Medusa: 1 - Jesus: 0
Honk Honk
The forbidden stools
This exactly.
Friend from England is coming to visit Canada and stay in my guest room. Finally found a use for the bargain bin pillows I brought home from Japan. He is not allowed to remove them.
Fun at Walmart...
Im really excited to try this French grocery store that just opened on my block
No. ***ing.reason.
When Game Is Life
20 minutes of flavor in that semi.