Spent our whole bloody night "Puttin' on the Ritz" 27+ years later, to show my mom for her birthday tomorrow. We tried!

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Old gold I found on my phone
yea no thx
My 5 month old son mastering nuclear fusion at the dining room table.
Life was rough for these boys..
The weekend!
Ordered a bike pump, got 93 weird dog bones instead
A very good impression indeed
If the shoe fits wear it.
Just having a cold one from my cooler.
Throwback to when my mom forgot to submit my senior baby ad for the yearbook and asked my dad to do it
Trespassers Will be ........
Buckle Up People. "2020 - Level 8" stars tomorrow.
Upgraded the Propane Tank
Hygenesis 20:20
My new watch face.
Not even a little
how do they work?
Anti Anti Mask
Next gen simps
He always was
Godspeed, August
One for the artists.
A reminder for all y'all simping the witch
Was wondering why this was on the restaurant table....then i took a closer look.
Bubblegum pizza
She'll have you fired.
the backhospital
The Elephant’s Soul
Making it to Friday in 2020.
My question is, why would you pee of the top of a building in the first place?..
2020 Is All Gary’s Fault.
Even chainsaw killers respect social distancing
Finally realized where I recognized my son's surprised face from!
Thanks to Quarantine, The Rabbit was Rescued...!
I feel there’s a story behind this sign
He asked his mother for a LoL themed party.
Stress Free Death
*Screams in Fahrenheit*
She was screaming for me to keep putting more in her shirt..
all of yall
Vote for SantaMaria as Minister of OC!
Vote for Crock_ as Minister of OC #crOCk #HugelolElections2020
Terry Pratchett was all so wise
how do i reach these breeehss
December 2020 I guess!!
I’m a work from the home type of child-mom
July OC Jamboree entry: Son, I am disappoint.
Idiot you fell for it again
Alternate reality Harry Potter!
Live, Laugh, LSD
Title of your post
And now I can’t go anywhere.
do you fear death, captain jack sparrow
Poor little guy
Reject sword, embrace stick
guess it belong here too !ha
za woka genava
First person view of attempting to read.
bring me a dream
Kirkland Brand?
Yakuza posting
rip phil
pasta hair
Uncle Roger
what ?
fancy meeting you here
Sleep tight
If the glove fits...
I'll kill us both of you son of a branch
A friendly pup in my beer
they all work for the same lizard brehs
OC found last night when shopping for a LED collar for dog.
the black people of europe
Not Cheap
huge weeb
you can also hold their hands as much as you want
Harold and Meghan.
Nope no cringe on this site sir
Finally located my lost wallet in an old guitar case. It's been a bit.
Freedom to not wear a mask
gorilla in a coupe
This is my aunt’s rooster. His name is Joe Exotic.
I mean like can you believe him
2020 summer body
senior tacos simulator
98.4% DNA similarity to humans on display
Every time I see this Star Trek ad, I think of Friday