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guess it belong here too !ha
za woka genava
First person view of attempting to read.
bring me a dream
Kirkland Brand?
Yakuza posting
rip phil
pasta hair
Uncle Roger
what ?
fancy meeting you here
Sleep tight
If the glove fits...
I'll kill us both of you son of a branch
A friendly pup in my beer
they all work for the same lizard brehs
OC found last night when shopping for a LED collar for dog.
the black people of europe
Not Cheap
huge weeb
you can also hold their hands as much as you want
Harold and Meghan.
Nope no cringe on this site sir
Finally located my lost wallet in an old guitar case. It's been a bit.
Freedom to not wear a mask
gorilla in a coupe
This is my aunt’s rooster. His name is Joe Exotic.
I mean like can you believe him
2020 summer body
senior tacos simulator
98.4% DNA similarity to humans on display
Every time I see this Star Trek ad, I think of Friday
Redneck dog drops some wisdom
Distance socially, wear a mask
Cat + tiny rubber hands = Judgmental cat who demands an explanation.
odd fellow
Am I wrong to think they look alike?
Take that book, this is my spot now.
Pain [OC]
Dad retired today. He’s been home 5 min.
We're looking for drugs...
Understandable, have a great day
Let’s see how hard you are after THIS!!!
Yeah boi
Glass door for sale. Assembly required.
Get a load of this [REDACTED]
I tried to be cute and carved "I love u" into my wife's banana last night and this morning, it looked like a note from a stalker. 0/10 Will not do again.
Mark Zuckerburg testified yesterday along with other tech ceos
It also has my 1tb of "homework" folder
priorities set
*screaming in the terminal*
Apparently Balrogs are French, which honestly makes sense
Who created God?
snek 100
So today I went to /b/ for the first time since 2015, first thread I saw:
This propane tank painted like Hank Hill's Lego head
Glue sniffers.
Hollywood is just getting lazy at this point.
Monopoly money
Give it time to simmer
Grim Reaper protesting to open scools in Houston
The Universal Phrase
I killed her
I just realized this...
Are Bill Cosby jokes still funny?
The first thing you see after arriving in Finland
Skype called my father during quarantine, this is what I saw when he picked up.
Life these days
Also, your co-workers have a group chat where they talk about you behind your back
I'd be shocked as well
Cries in loneliness
Japanese people are the best at falling asleep.. this happens when we drive ANYWHERE more than 10 minutes.
Driving through a city nearby and came across this little corona, the guy driving has a pretty great sense of humour...
Important things
You can't always be a murder hobo
Please, Be nice...
Join us, Sasha. Be one of us. You know you want to.
So awkward when this happens!
I see a man of culture
I like my nicotine like i like my horoscope.
Italians are screaming
Please just don’t
You'll have to look twice
On The Ledge
The similarities are uncanny
Look same
Its a sign
That would be more convincing