let brehsus be the judge brehs - still not a reason to actively be inmoral go love others breh

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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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We do as Yeezus coomands
Alright, we need cardboard masks
Best Obituary Ever
Little Damien is such a blessing
Extracurricular activities
Savage Android
My $500 laptop stand
Same, but with Master Crocks
Construction workers have my home office looking exactly like Dexter's kill room.
it's because of global warming
He is becoming one with the Ancestors!
Van unlocked golden skin after kidnapping 10,000 kids
Modern solution for a modern world.
I have the gender a lot of times
Cat knows the magic word!
Futurama accurately predicts 2020
I'm shy
Well, mother was right.
That wasn't so bad
What watermark?
Best I can do
An adorable take on a genuine issue, brought to you by @fluffy__kittens
Brand New Spice Store
Ask first
After my post gets out to front
Another day at the jobsite
Back to school in 2020
Feel me
I do miss these days sometimes
Year 2020 vs others...
Buckle up, buckaroos.
Haha Loved Leonard
It’s not butter
Not now dammit!
My turtle says hello
Legend has it he died waiting on his wife to get ready to leave for their date night.
Dogs and cats
No, the other kind of smash
This is how internet works
Country roads! I'm going to take you home! To a place that's got ass rape!
Wow!!! Attention everybody watch this
Out of all the possibilities
Well , at least red one will taste better...
Embrace monke
Jesus after He turned water into wine.
Hold your peace or rest in peace
But Japan is best bae...
Better luck next time!
Remember kids, steroids are dangerous
I like to mess with my roommate...
Everybody does this, amirite?
dog encounters
Definitely a knock sensor
Cannibals shit where they eat
Probably one of the hardest decisions in your entire childhood
I need to call somebody
The Sorting Hat's meth-addicted cousin.
Run-on sentence
:'( I am
Don't be a tosser
I photoshopped myself handsome.
Next question please
Did I deserve this
Keep on dreaming kids
Damn boy, it's too offensive
It’s stuck in my head already
A dad's gotta provide.
Ah, yes, Nald’s.
It's only creepy if you lose the last bowl
It's horrible but it's true
Dog ownership in a nutshell
Dream on mobile gamers
I’ll be taking this.
Advertisement of the year
Inviting a Knitter to Ramen.
Well. . . There’s that lol
Etc etc
Very important information to remember
Bear eggs
Sneak 100
This restaurant near me
Disney for us
Those kids will go sky high
When you decorate your apartment and you're no longer a guy that be like
*laughs in dollars*
Told my son that if he draws a cow properly I’ll buy ice-cream for him. Does he deserve it?
Did it in 8
This keeps happening
George, There's a bear at the door.
Just pour it in his handmade artisan water bowl.
Today’s sign at my neighborhood Chevron station. This is the only place I go for gas, mainly so I don’t miss the weekly dad jokes :)
I'm free at last
"Dafuq is this?"