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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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This is messing me up
When you try to meme but you study Human Sciences
*Daughter awkwardly looking away*
Dance white boy!
Massive respect to this kid.
hol up
Marty and Doc speeding down the interstate trying to get the hell out of 2020.
Yes ma'am, I'm sure it's raccoons in your attic.
Spotted at the liquor store across the street where I was going to pick up some after work supplies.
No job is so simple it cannot be done wrong.
That guy who makes fake products has finally gone too far.
Well... he got a point....
A question scientists still struggle to find and answer to
We’re staying in a rental house at the beach. My son comes running out of his room all excited saying, “Daddy, we have an OLD DVD player in our room!!!” And then hands me this:
sure is 2020
Neko girl filter
Sphinx got instagram.
Only rumors...
Damn you, Brain!
I found this
I think I've found Waldo's house...
Don't let that defenseless look fool you
Feeling lighter :)
Feline unit arrest.
Asian humor, sends you the message loud and clear
Got a letter from the devil today
Oh no...
Vin Petrol
Poor meow meow
centrist: derek/derek
Glad someone took the time to draw this.
Both beautiful
Found this gem from my son's school a year ago. My wife is still mortified!
This stapler has had enough.
Corn on the claws for dinner
all that lazy editing for a #penis
Browsing Fresh (6mb threshold really sucks - cards in the comments) #penis
I’m so mad this sporting goods store ran out of stock!
Toppest text
Found one of my old drawings. I was a weird kid.
I also don't care
It’s almost worth the stomach pain
Kitty brings gifts
I think Google is trying to sabotage my marriage with its auto-reply suggestions
Sat down to watch some Netflix - the bloody kids 'Rickrolled' me.
Same :/
My sister got married over the weekend, so we recreated this gem from our childhood.
Robots should know their place!
gonna need more barrels
Typical lurker
Next 2020 disaster
Have fun girl!
Always be prepared...
Helpless chihuahua got high on mushrooms.
the power of brehship beats both tho
Is this the same phone?
Early this morning
Work-Life Balance
Big Mouth
not cool breh u made me sad :(
Apparently they don't wear masks properly either.
*happy methhead noises*
Confidence? I think not!
I have discovered the origin of Big Bird
by Xi Jinping's infinite wisdom
Three months is a long time
Thank you guys I love all of you
Clearly the number 2.
Jeff ***ed up there.
Be responsible!
A good way to make friends in prison
Played a joke on my roommate but he hasn’t noticed. It’s now day 19. How long before I should tell him?
Next time I play the game, all Im going to see are toes.
Don’t do that again
My daughter's drawing of me
How can we harm you today?
Even Groot has a Girlfriend
Toddlers and Gremlins
....bro I feel it!
Found in Cedar Springs California, Guess it's time to actually turn it over
A picture worth a thousand words.
When my kid says mom for the 637th time..