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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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Cop stuff.
That is a good point
Early Worm
Be careful out there boys
Who's on the door? Aligadoor!
My microwave doesn't say 'Cook Time'
did you know this brehs
Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, the buttkin
Shout out to Dwight Schrute
Listen to your kids
Found this gem at my local Target
This totally explains it!
Great shot kid.
Thought you might like this idea.
Made this out of my brother's carving
My daughter Pablo Escobaring a tv show
My nieces and nephew’s Tiger king Halloween costumes.
So loud.
Autumns in the air.
Sibling war !!
Can they just make us forget 2020?
See you soon!
Still got style
Dont worry, I wont
Where's Lionel?
I decided to remove his shell to make him go faster. But if anything, it just made him more sluggish.
I'm pretty sure I watched a different movie
that’s a really good costume
Every husband
Visible confusion..
Is he ok
We should all have my UberEats driver’s hustle
I work at a cave, and they put me in charge of decorating for Halloween. Probably a mistake on their part.
Oh I get it..
Public bathrooms be like
Everyone liked that.
"Mommy, the hummingbirds look funny...."
Looking at our bank account this month...
What are you doing stepteacher?
Americans will measure in anything but the metric system
thx sony
Ur Mom
Am I high or does this look like a slug alien thing?
As usual no lefties...
Always wear your reading glasses when following a recipe.
It's sometimes hard to lose traditions.
I'm gonna need to see some terms before I sign up to 2021...
Where's the money shithead?
I know they're about to have a wild night
Not fat enough.
Unicorns Believe in You
I'm Bob the builder, not Bob the remembers-your-birthday.
They suck
Fancy ***
Bird knew exactly what it was doing
The late 90s were the best.
I wonder how long it will take him to notice?
What a dummy
modern love story
The face of hesitation on this doggo
How uwu
Stretching is contagious
Saw this on my walk a few weeks back. 2020 is starting to make more sense.
They really do want all our information nowadays.
Don’t let it flop I spent so much time making this
I Am The One Who Knock-Diddly-Ocks
Things I see on the road working...
5 easy steps
Cuz dogs
New Road Trip CD
please hand me some unsee juice
Mystery behind evil spirits
Why does my pie hate broccoli so much??
No talking to Chonks. Am angry.
Happy Hannukah!
Always been a stickler for the rules
just cause gameplay
Strike a pose
Was looking for gigs on Craigslist and found this gem.
“How to talk to your dog about the fall of Berlin’s wall, USSR, and Yugoslavia”
Jack what's going on
My only regret is that my skin will never look as hotdog-ish as the real Hulk Hogan
Cat: "Alright, get your jokes out of the way. I know what you're thinking"
Well for crap's sake.
"2020 has been a hard year on all of us"
Apples Up On Top
nicholas cage found the store homer shopped in
Seen yesterday outside of an appliance store
Goodbye, memers