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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Percy Long Prong
For only $5,000 this restaurant will piece together what happened if you black out the night before
2020 summed up in 1 photo
Sarcasm over text
German sushi
This nibba eatin beans!
I agree with the old man that is bullshit
Or should I send you something first lol
the unknown planet
I wouldn’t either
I'm 8 months pregnant and the way the 'baby' in this picture is positioned definitely feels uncomfortably accurate
My science quiz today
Haha no
Ask for Tyler
Bed time toenails
Hello bois
It's time you learn..
If only there was a more efficient way to carry that
Hahah very good
The war of the texts
Single Dad looking for some love
Send us a message if you can hear us!
McDonalds drivethru rarely disappoints
Even while doing the dishes
Later virgins
Roasted to a crisp.
Got em
No! homo
I don't even understand this one
Who says there are no strong female characters in films for women to take inspiration from? ;-)
A perfectly timed derp
Why :'(
Why can't you understand me?!
Girl power!
Not cool
Drive thru
Canada rebranding a violent Schwarzenegger film into a buddy movie.
4chan be crazy
A fully charged cat
WOW! That IS heavy!
Say sike! :'(
I'll kill you little people
I sure am poor!
True legend
Your honor, my client didn't do anything illegal
You're grounded
American Freedom
The hidden messages in your music...
Got em
Then... she got... THE SPRAY BOTTLE!!!
Creature of the night
why the *** u lyin
Samsung back at it again. They got no chills
Teenage master ninja Thieves
Grooming a friend
I was gonna post the others too but I forgot
Hey look first place
Slightly Combative
Please say it was just a joke
Sorry earth is currently unavailable
Obviously it’s gods fault mr judge.
Don’t park like an ass...
Best memory from health class
Relationship problems with Mr. and Mrs. Pac-Man
Wise sayings of Konfuzius
This scene haunted me for a long time.
You really should recognize your own children
Imagine being an emo just becaouse you are sad, just be depressed like a normal adult lmao
Got my wife a horse head squirrel feeder for her birthday and today one of them finally figured it out.
growing out his tusks, very impressive
I’m down
How I actually feel. Best bumper mask.
Post some in the comments.
This sign outside a restaurant in Texas
It's true though.. haha
Ruin Halloween with chocolate covered Brussels Sprouts haha
mmm glowe
No you
I tried this and now I'm banned from the gym
This Audi I saw
How is this considered outdoor dining?
The perfect man...
"Let me tell you something real quick."
Based on what?