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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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Honestly I'll take the girl
She always there for you.
I’m in danger
Harvest Festival
Nice Clerks reference in Denver this morning
I don’t listen to hip hop
He really tapped like he was in distress
This woman right here
focus, commitment, will
Business Presentation 101
Don't play girl
If you weren't convinced that 2020 was the end of times, Jesus is back and he's ready to ride, ***es
Yes please!
My wife tried to get 5 minutes to relax in the bath while the baby was chillin.
You can fight corona all you want. My enemy is Malaria
Memories broken, The truth goes unspoken, I've even forgotten my name.
You heard it guys 6 inches is huge there is hope for some of us
Convinced our 3yo daughter that dressing up as tiger king is cooler than being Elsa
Thomas the Trained Engine
The dogy is so cute
Teachers being creative with their school yearbook photos.
dad jokes
It’s only been 2 days
All dads were the same
My dog has zero concept of personal space.
It most certainly does not!
Had hip surgery on Wednesday so great timing for a Nancy Kerrigan costume
Impossible not to sing while reading.
haha yes
Not mine! But I'm screaming!
It's November 3rd godammit...
Comparing sizes
Pls, not kanye.
Dumbledore, why did you let us down?
Daily Struggles.
wish I was the bro
thanks to Loutrebreh for posting
Just 2 smiling pacos
I hate how accurate it is
i understand about the time zones, but im taking washinton dc's time.
In the spirit of 2020, went as a murder hornet for Halloween
Tomorrow is gonna be a shit show
Drug sniffing cats!
Ace Ventura!!! My daughter really got into character this Halloween lol how’d we do??
Good man
Damn :'(
Sir. Sir...
The UK’s in high spirits
Silly STD
Made the Most 2020 Halloween Costume I Could Think of
2020 really tried to take halloween from me
Good move
勉強 に なりました, チャッド 先生!
I am the Lorax, I speak for the trees
damn this dude
runaway nvidia installer
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
Dear Doug
My friends and I did 8 different Britney Spears in drag for Halloween this year. #freebritney
Why 29% people don't know this?
I'm Just trying to help you guys
Michael Jackson branded soap?
Good dream
Truth comes out in my kid's work book thingy.
Haha, my friends would totally invite me if we had an other group chat
Credit goes to @cinema.infinite on insta
>: (
I found this on FB. Courtesy of Quick Turtle.
I’ve never been so jealous of a pet’s state of mind
That time of the year
I'm so hard..
cries in foggy glasses*
Yes please I love kidney stones
Nebraska Spiderman
Good points
Mario at it again @Cloggedholes hand me a beer
I'm tryna learn russian and to no surprise I'm failing.
A couple of besties
OC kind of Thanks Baghdaddy for help making this!
Storming the Weather
Gimme that sweet protein
Anyone else know this car from Tom Scott?
F**k racism, all my homies have cancer
Hi I’m Chuckie from Rugrats
Always strapped