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day 34, nevada reaches 78% vote count
The perfect game doesn't exist
Saw this riding my bike this morning. In San Francisco.
Honestly happy for them <3
Welcome to 14th century Europe
Someone has to drive the babies!
Pray boys
Easy but very useful test
Stressful journey
Same :/
All good bro
7 y.o. girls really know how to hit you where it hurts.
Not in November
Old mule.
haha yes
We don’t want to disturb the people!
Mandalorian subtitle guy went a bit rogue on this scene
vegas baby
*clapping in tears*
I donated to wikipedia once
My man
>arguing about politics on the internet
The power of Christ compels you!
Just when my confidence is up, leave it to CVS to bring me back down.
I prefer fist
Have fun with that demented puppet
I think I found the longest fry in the history of fries
Terminator cat
Savage but stupid
I'll look like a fool if Trumps ends up winning, but still accurate
It's been a long way nanananana
I asked my girlfriend, who lives in Europe, to fill in a map of the USA. These are the results
*angry pig noises*
‘The myoclonic jerk’ . The Sandman's arch-enemy.
Explains the shitshow
Don’t trust your government kids
The Dutch police departement have started reconstructing last week's train accident.
They are only firecrackers
This man has reached ungodly levels of chill.
And what a ride it was
Here's the actual store
I can't tell....
it's equal
The Boo
Little b***h
The BeeMW
Basically all the same, right?
This is the colour of trunks I want in my life
You don't teach me.
Got the moves
Recount time?
I took my dog to my grandma's place and she sends me this
Goth Corn
Gameplay Videos
It works
Simply pure
Found this Sid creation *aka ‘Froad’* whilst cleaning my 4 yr old daughters bedroom.
This brightened my day at work.
I don't post often, I'm a little rust-E
My dad made the classic mistake of buying something on Amazon without checking the dimensions...
Whenever I'm at a pizza place
Who do you hate the most that has kids?
A squirrel ate it’s face so my kids now call it - Zombie Pumpkin
This drawing of a cat. That's it.
They always take it :(
Best way to find an earthquake
Kill each other!
Seems kinda gay to me
i found these in the lost and found at school today, ironic
Can't have it one way
Horses sitting like dogs, good day.
Rango's Gambit
The Ultimate Lucky Cat
Never saw it ngl
Saw this bad boy on a car in front of me today
Got him looool
DADDY!!! I heard a ghost
Gotta hurt
aye thanks mr cena :D
I made a comic of my cat based on a comic I saw of someone else’s cat.
"The Oregon Trail" just became a lot more interesting.
When the ruler of the hillbillies dies he is entombed here!
Gandalf filling up the clip