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you may be cool but you've never been amianas drew my profile pic cool breh
or maybe you are i dont know ->

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My wife made 2020 toilet paper ornaments
The face of 2020. Timmy style.
On this date in 1998, Bobby Boucher showed up at halftime and the Mud Dogs won the Bourbon Bowl.
Been quarantined so long, I finally learned to use the enchantment table.
I can cook
"check this shit out kid"
Rescue Team
A msg to the hole world.
Way to go Dan, way to go.
Do drugs kids not politics
My son is suspicious about the whole birthday idea.
This is evolution
One last Floyd meme
This pedestrian light in Folly Beach. I assume it’s broken because all of the others around it have five fingers.
The reality of trying to work from home.
just passing by
Big wack
The right spirit
GOLD TEAM RULES!!!! Until Valhalla
So I tried planting corn
The mastermind
Gonna be fun
Pretty eyes....
Word play on point
Sign my dad put up for his walker
It worked, guys. This is the only way I can hoist my 58lbs. dog up to trim his nails, used cheese on the bar to keep him distracted.
Why haven't I thought about this before?
My nephew, aged 7.
Political Posting
I miss the good old days, when this was the peak of our excitement...
He did his job
Remind me June 14, 3698
A WORLD Record!
My local grocery store sells a “bachelor special”.
day 34, nevada reaches 78% vote count
The perfect game doesn't exist
Saw this riding my bike this morning. In San Francisco.
Honestly happy for them <3
Welcome to 14th century Europe
Someone has to drive the babies!
Pray boys
Easy but very useful test
Stressful journey
Same :/
All good bro
7 y.o. girls really know how to hit you where it hurts.
Not in November
Old mule.
haha yes
We don’t want to disturb the people!
Mandalorian subtitle guy went a bit rogue on this scene
vegas baby
*clapping in tears*
I donated to wikipedia once
My man
>arguing about politics on the internet
The power of Christ compels you!
Just when my confidence is up, leave it to CVS to bring me back down.
I prefer fist
Have fun with that demented puppet
I think I found the longest fry in the history of fries
Terminator cat
Savage but stupid
I'll look like a fool if Trumps ends up winning, but still accurate
It's been a long way nanananana
I asked my girlfriend, who lives in Europe, to fill in a map of the USA. These are the results
*angry pig noises*
‘The myoclonic jerk’ . The Sandman's arch-enemy.
Explains the shitshow
Don’t trust your government kids
The Dutch police departement have started reconstructing last week's train accident.
They are only firecrackers
This man has reached ungodly levels of chill.
And what a ride it was
Here's the actual store
I can't tell....
it's equal
The Boo
Little b***h
The BeeMW
Basically all the same, right?
This is the colour of trunks I want in my life