Graduating High School, getting a job, buying a house, and raising a family on a single income in the 1950's vs trying to do the same today

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Why indeed?
Some people just don't understand the dangers of indiscriminate defecation
My dad every time he tastes something mildly spicy
Need only 2k to beat Cloggedholes, let's ***ing go
Another reminder that we live in a society
And the sun is rising in the east
My microwave keeps asking for sacrifices
Playing life in HARD mode
So secret nobody was able to find it
Beware of wife.
My cat had his eye surgically removed so I gave him a new one.
He is pretty strong.
Had a stowaway in my bag a Swedish Fish.
Friends dog struck a familiar pose... I couldn’t resist.
Sometimes you really just wish a knight would come along and take the princess off your hands.
My dad built this to protect the tree from the cat
What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving?
It’s almost that time of year for my favorite album
Octo Pie
My old boy having an earth shattering sneeze
Mmm, free lunch
My parents better read the rules!
I asked the pizza shop to write a joke on the box. I got what I asked for but not what I expected.
Just outside a pizza shop.
A picture of R.E.M. my wife sent me. That’s her in the corner.
My Butter on seeing my ugly face first thing in the morning.
This sign was found on the window of a small hardware store.
Sent to me by a friend, taken off Facebook
As tim hortons is to canada
200?? Not bad
Before we lockdown we provided educational course for wayward children.
But thanks for asking
When she partakes in no shave November.
Biblically accurate
Best black сoсk a man could ask for
What happens when you grow up on war movies
Reminder that the queen of England is a direct descendant of prophet Muhammed (and therefore white)
Snyder Cut
Give me your best head puns
You see this shit
A Whole New World!
Much like with drinking, your friends are gone without you noticing
The ethnogensis of the Irish
who dat breh
Give him the Old Dick Twist!
if u aint ever used a flint stone and left over gasoline to light a j you aint a real breh yet
Sign at local restaurant. I can't stop laughing at point 5. How bad are your kids that they have to put up this sign.
These are getting ridiculous.
Coronavirus *enters my body* The flinstones Vitamins I ate 20yrs Ago:
Life lessons video games taught me
Wear yo mask
Meanwhile, in San Francisco...
Mess with my Mom and see what happens!
Take that, crime.
Am I doing Christmas right?
Adobe is savage
Beautiful o-o
Over the moon.
Santa’s got a big package!
Give me them toys fat man
To be young again
Yeah, the death of metaphysics is cool and all, but can it cure erectile dysfunction?
Batman during quarantine, by Kerry Callen
Take me lord
BBC logic
ill take a bigmac based brehconomy over the federal brehserve breh
PS5 Graphics
brehpeat a lie so much it brehcomes the truth
My powers groe
Human meat is next
Oh how table
Easy get out of jail
Do you know someone over 30 who still plays video games?
I wonder if this logical argument has some Latin name
Not this time [OC]
I have planned this strategy for years
Go away now
DinosandComics Exists
*tries to hide tears*
Talk to the hand
Is it more moral to litter somewhere where you know people will pick it up?
World's Greatest Batman Fan!
Never too late
OC guys!
We were finally able to bring our grandma home to stay with us and she brought all her 'loot' from the nursing home
Just shut up and take me to the boss