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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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We were finally able to bring our grandma home to stay with us and she brought all her 'loot' from the nursing home
Just shut up and take me to the boss
Dorian VS. Kenneth Copeland. You’re welcome.
Good night sweet princess
Cheer up..!
I can relate, Godzilla
The face off we deserve
Becaouse the dog is black
Playing mobile games on NASA PCs - justpcgamerthings
PCR tests in a nutshell
Good boss fight
My ten year old made this and sent it to me.
Christmas ornament anyone
There are so many potential ethnic cleansing jokes here
...and chix
I almost lost my waffle cone today
Don't remember eating self-hatred and annoying habits either, but here I am.
COVID Testing - Our Pleasure!
In case you didn’t know, raspberries make great hats for lego people
My daily life
Robbed blind
It may be the funny number, but 20$ is 20$
Scary :0
I need new batteries
hate that shit
They’ve always got your back
you are all my little pogchamps <3
Please don’t be this person. Photo taken at Asheville Brewing Company.
mercantile 100
Glug Glug Glug!
Moses got jokes
It's fine, sex is dumb anyways
Happy Anniversary C&H 35 years
...did somebody say something?
I feel it....
Fart = funny
Is this the power of the thotslayer?
Where's my money?!
Hand a kindergartner a sharpie and ask them to please put an “eye” on the head of their turkey. You get what you ask for.
Current objective: survive
Downnubber listening to music
Big Pause
I wish I could read...
Cats are cute but
If Apple made electric cars
Yes :(
Why do other days even exist?
I'm so old :(
Messing with my wife’s shortcuts
Hide your cows
My Canadian friend’s daughter’s schoolwork. A+
Just downloading updates, can't wait to play my PS5
Take me lord
Flirt 101
Good man
All In this together
When she what?
Lol... No hard feelings
I did nothing...
You smell that?
Charlotte's web
My 5 year old stole my wife’s wallet the other day. Today she got pulled over, and this was all she had for ID...
tell me your fetish in the comments
Could it?!
But how many football fields did he have to walk to get all the ingredients
he's right. it does feel better.
So true mate
Idk why but this is funny lol
World Peas
Very true, indeed
Good night friend
Don't Tell Anyone You Know This Now...
This iconic moment on British Morning TV when a lady pissed off an Italian Chef
I still have nightmares from that Skyrim mod that turned all dragons into My Little Pony characters
Wife sent me this pic of our ice maker this morning.
At that moment, you realise something
MRW there's hardly any eurobeat memes any more
Wow that’s one thicc mushroom
oh no haha
Cat.exe has crashed
Ohhhhh boy o.o
We need the return of 26 hour days.
Updated for your use, the only card you’ll ever need for your kids.
Calvin and Hobbes turns 35 today!
See, this is why we can't have nice things because of this right here.
It's a detention slip.