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Youtube at its best
When you keep thinking of that very one hilarious thing.
Just Cristiano Ronaldo
This Deer has a way better touch than my owner!
When i show a joke to my friends and the dont laugh at it
Growing up sucks
Don't f*ck with superglue
Make this happen!
Art, not even once
These guys are dueling with actual pigeons
There are some good people in this world.
Just Brett (Flight of the Conchords)
Freaking toes.
You know you had a bad day when...
That's true
Every guy have a pile like this
That probably would't work...
Well, none of it, actually (NASA edition)
If you watch it backwards, it's a plastic ball giving birth to a biker
Valentine's Day for Pokemon Lovers
Waldo's Job
Fu"k Police
Congratulations education system
Welcome to the 21st century !
The truth about Valentines Day!
Not even once
I didn't know this is possible!!!!
How I feel downvoting a post allready has a lot of downvotes
A mistake you should never commit
Worst day ever
Thats the spirit
Sucks to lose a bet
Meanwhile in sweden
Most American sunset ever?
Yup, Science.
Bondage ftw
You didnt expected that?
This picture is just so full of epicness
The Perfect Prank
Damn it! Not again!
What my plans are
Oh Canada
Didn't see that one coming..
Admit it!
Liking a funny status
And here we see the majestic killer, gracefully stalking it's prey...
Overly manly man - Adrian Carton de Wiart
The cat looks so amused
Just shut the hell up Charles
Just made my day.
How to be a spy
What happened after the kiss...
Holy virgin
NBA Nightcrawler
Who's the daddy?
Not bad at all!
Who doesn't love power ?
Picture of the Sun through a lens that allows only a specific wavelength
When your best friend tries to sing, you're in the background like...
After a very productive day day at the office.
That kid is going places....
Some dogs just don't like water
Silent Hill
Happy desperation day
And Meg ...
Now as a .gif
Brushing My Teeth
The vagina
I snickered at this
I'm on a highway to hell
That's some scary sh*t
When I ordered pizza yesterday
The cop will just turn and shoot, and fill out the paperwork later
How I imagine Black Friday must look like for some.
They're deadlier than they seem
The best advice...
That's a ***y Alien for sure.
Weirdest Demands Of All Time
And i'm a man
Very useful
I just read this sentence 7 times.
Makes me wonder...
Bows and arrows
Tough call
Do not judge the book by its cover
Deal With It
This guy deserves a medal.
I don't even.. I just ca.. I quit internet for today
Barney headshot.
What are you doing this weekend?
Oh, Youtube
Empty to well empty
This just brightens my day.
I cant be the only one who looks like a baby after shaving....
Hipster girl VS wood chair (kit kat insane)
Bring on the zombie apocalypse now!