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Telling a memer he only won because he spammed the most, is like telling a bicyclist that he only won the race because he peddled the fastest
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steve go brrr
Bunny budgeting
Must have jumped real high
The merry-go-round
Stahlzahn, Sentinel of Concrete Hills
Had this today and everyone in the class was looking at my pants
Big W
Literal tree bombs
The 80s were FABULOUS
Our old friend Uncle Buck made out of wood
Aquagheist: devilish ghoul of the aquatic downpour
Such fun.
18 foot kodiak bear by Paul Waclo
Don't miss your one chance
Remember his name
Kenyon Martin called out Jeremy Lin for his hair and Lin had a perfect response
And his Job Too
subway sexist hits different
I got that cool memematic logo
Made using google slides
A little comic I drew about the endless, fun ol' pain
Witch house wooden cottage, Tatra mountains, Poland
Why isn't anal bleaching called "Changing your ring tone"?
He's too dangerous to keep alive
Just a harmless announcement. Delete this, suspend, or ban me if need be, but you will only further prove my point.
Enjoying the cow
Hmm....I've got a strategy!
and it’s terminal
i am back boys
Money Transportation Idea
Some things just can't be unseen
Doing whatever it takes
Further Jim'll Paint It Art - "The Most 80s Picture Ever Created
pizza time stops
Jim'll Paint It's "The Most 90s Picture Ever Created". Rendered entirely in MS Paint
Recognize Tony Hawk
Portal Halloween costume
Precious Hair
In 46 weeks, over 650 tonnes of plastic and debris were cleared from Mahim Beach in Mumbai, India. It all started with two people.
The Plush Reaper of the Deep: gort
Someone help...
The harsh reality....
I'd like to thank the admin for this unique opportunity and wish everyone else good luck [dotOC]
the presidents of inanimate items
mhm philosophic...
Very funny.
Found out recently that octopuses like to punch fish for no reason and decided to draw it! These kind of facts get me through the day
He can be real life Tony Stark!
Financial Planning
Have you ever noticed that all instruments searching for intelligence life are pointed away from the earth?
The more you know..
Endlessly searching for the cure...
One of my neighbor writes weekly jokes for us. This one made me chuckle
What google maps are for.
Someone had free time in my grocery store this morning. I couldn’t stop snickering while shopping.
I told you mom I'm gay get over it
Helpful former homeowner.
That was unexpected
....good point
I loved these as a kid
My whole pride
So thicc it’ll make you cry
Works every time
F in the chat bois
All for rubber
I told them I wanted plain rice
And so the courier cheated the IRS once again and the Brehave wasteland was forever changed.
Checkmate, Donald!
This was helpful
You attempted to hurt me but all you've done is given me hope
Make room in the Horny Jail.
The Only Employee
Just the once
Duddero after HL elected Slov
Universal guide to men's nodding. Made in Paint.
Someone pass the Kleenex please...
Can you tell me just one thing? Why is "scar" wrong?
thomas the tank engine mod
They always gotta tell ya.
The duality of mod
If you play the audio backwards, it still sounds like meaningless noise
So f*cking deep
You’re not so different you and I
me preparing myself for another day as a mod
I wished for the perfect man.
What? You don't trust me ? Check my Bullshit posts License !
I thought drugs are just a joke