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From the jungles of Seaetnam. I post cringey maymays
5-Year Club

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Interesting man
Spoider man
Sit or miss
the next symphonic orchestra
Goku: What does kissing have to do with marriage???
Because they are obviously Magic fans
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 475 ✓
Silly wohman
My dog is a freak that likes to get spanked and he came up to me and stayed like this for a few minutes
Stephen Hawking shows his black hole detector, before he lost the use of his arms
If you kill the guy who started WW1, you don't have to kill the guy who started WW2!
The choice
Please help, I don't wanna turn 18
We can all agree on this
Eren gaming
No doubt, people were paid in salt back then.
Yeah what the hell is wrong with those people?
Patience 100
remove pomme
Russia's Last Czar, Nicholas II, Had a Massive Dragon Tattoo.
Nice lips
My son is getting his first glasses and my wife sends me these pics and asks which pair I like most.
Why do I fell like this is targeted at me
Milk, never water. I will die on this hill
Sending the message
I wonder if Santa accepts returns…
ngl flat Ilulu is cool imo but og still better
Intellectual Property
Who would've thought that God is a bratty school girl.
Hehe Billie Eifish
It looks fine
German troops invade France, 1940.
Xi, please liberate the US and give us trains please elon is saying he wants to make zeppelins now
My whole life was a lie!!!!
Peel it like a grape
I am not cooming
Oh no
I kinda like those generic Isekai Anime, even though they are completly the same
The “South had better generals” bit has always been bullshit and I fell for it
Happy Solstice, again...
Peter i think
Spreading freedom since 1947
Come and claim your prize
You know they do
We did it
the healer beats differently
Local council vs graffiti artist
A buddy at work 3D printed The Rocktopus
Not mine. But absolutely spot on.
Hillary Clinton prepares to give her Presidential Concession Speech,
My friend and I belatedly got round to going to see Dune today. In the meantime our local multiplex had relegated the film to the kids' hall. Oh well, if life gives you lemons...
Knowledge is meaningless without Wisdom
setting up my monitor facing the door was the by far the worst decision I made
Small breeds vs large breeds
Merry Thiccmas
The Pakistanis won't lose to Lunchboxes , right?
Is your dad also like this?
mod posting
Plenty to go around
Even most history books don't talk about that
Btw what's yours
I choose A, but in my heart I know it's D.
I don't need the patriarchy to hate myself
The blessed irony
I'm the male version of "cat lady" I suppose
What you see
The real origin of green goblin
Don’t ever say that again
Inflation go brrrrr
THATS?!? NOOOOOOOO...........
I should have stayed in bed.
Aunt May after the Islamic Revolution - 1979
Buenos Dias from Italy
Ah sweet, man-made horrors beyond my comprehension
What anime is this for you?
A classic, just like the Wendy’s Double Baconator tm that she just ate
which type are you? :D
I regret experinmenting..
What a story!
Guys,, mom found the shit condoms!
I only listen to quality music
I do not know if this is real.
Today is 21/12/21
Made this after my fish died :(
the always fall for it
agony even
unz hello
The kids aren't alright
What game is this for you
mfw they speak a fantasy language but it is translated as broken English
Shrek best waifu
Stop, I can't handle any more of your gamer nonsense
I'll go first: Mom, can you pass me the olive oil?