Just slap some footage into an "avenger special" and use the $500b it makes for war reparations

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Keep your METAphorical mouth shut
oh no
something something high ground
Demons, man
The aren't playin...
Go Armies !
They said third time was a charm... We'll never know
They would have loved to pay it back
It's also Ferrari branded
Ah shit. Here we go again.
only applies to America of course
For some reason nobody in the office wants this kiwi fruit.
Kids be like:
this man is pure creativity
Virgin Protects Border vs Chad blows up border
Bernie Sanders threatens Obama in an attempt to secure the Democrat nomination for president
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get high off canned bread?
I guess things are pretty serious now
piss and fart
is 40000 rubles enough comrade?
fast and the
Imagine needing twitter approval for everything you do
Live, laugh, love and here’s a tree
The Fresh Prince of Moscow
I am an introvert.
I can hear them...
A shit, here we go again.
Itz non of dein busines
Eat pussy
Not many colonial monarchs drafted legislature that made indigenous languages the official language of their respective colonies.
The King...
I want you to know that I have power over you, but choose not to use it
How does this guy keep finding new ways to be creative
Certified chads
The only protagonist unaffected by Eren.
Russian Admiral Vasili Arkhipov. Please stop the nukes again
I mean this in terms of popularity
The Greek letters smile in the background
work both ways.
International man of misery
It's OC, so by law you have to upvote
It's not gonna be a fun time for them ruskies....
Damn we have so many romcoms airing this April
Farmer is now farming tanks
Hippity hoppity, your million dollar military vehicles are now Ukrainian property.
took too ***ing long
Gay man sees a naked woman for the first time in his life, 2013
"A True Story" by Lucian of Samosata
That doesn’t count
I mean just look at that shit! It goes faster and faster!
It was those dang molotov ***tails that destroyed the tanks.
Daily Jahy-sama meme: day 544 ✓
This joke has probably been done to death, but the Swiss defined armed neutrality, and by god did they stick to that policy
Allied troops liberating Nazi concentration camps:
Hell of a way to say you have a needle dick.
OCOld format, but it checks out
The character creation screen from the 2015 Bethesda game 'Fallout 4'.
anon is lonely
The best time of the year for completing all those things you've been putting off
Pulled this out of my pocket and went "When did I get a $100 bill?"
Found one of these in the wild. Can confirm smell was horrendous.
Say sike
Time to trade their navy for Pepsi again
They were just pretending to be scared so russia would underestimate them.
got me worried for a second
My Dietician told me to use smaller plates for my meals, which would help me control my portion size…
And I do not care about any of them
I was reading reviews for dog bones on Amazon and...
I asked him what was wrong and he said, “I can’t”
Buddy asked me to touch up his old science fair photo.... Didn't say how, though.
heavy is the burger that wears the crown
One donut to rule them all!
Ah yes, Wendy's, where we value our employees.
90s babies, are you okay?
One of these things is not a cat
muslim hagrid
And here I thought someone else could be blamed this time
Buh du du duh duh DUH DUH doo da da DA DA
Googled “gayest picture on the internet” then proceeded to enhance it somewhat in photoshop. Would be a shame if it got spread around too much..
Any time now
Sock thief thinks she's being slick
Bruh...Imagine you are invading a city and a guy pass you at 20mph on a bike.
Third times the charm
Good lord
Poor Russians
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