And you know he wanted to offer £2,000 but the British told him no

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The curse of not being a 'Murican and seeing material produced for US consumption
When you think you are Napoleon reborn
Name the song
That's what I'm talking about, that's what he's the MVP, that's was he's the GOD, THE GOD
My 3 year old Samsung A50 smashes the SE for $100 less
Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, gets beheaded for treason
Its germany!
Seriously what even is it?
A brainy blunder
Jeffrey Dahmer attempts to lure a victim to his apartment, 1991
Woke up from a nap to a text from a number I've never seen with this picture attached. Soon after they texted back saying wrong number.
I don't know why but I'm afraid to ask
Herschel Walker arrests himself for breaking abortion and child support laws.
Casually shifts the course
Even if that worm is a gemini?
The coffee invite
never found out
easy choice
Seriously it’s $400 and has the same software as the newest phone
Croatia is underrated
And I'm even a paleface myself
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience
Itchy nuts
iPhone = Bad
the source of trust
"Fallen on a jar in my kitchen" a random Sunday morning in the ER
-and we will give it.
to controversial we go!
Coqkroaches do fly
Otoya Yamaguchi
best photo ever of my cat
something something meme
Dr. Dr.
I an very sorry for this.
Poor guy
Housing in America.
Code Spaghetti!
this meme goes both ways
Seriously, why does that happen a lot?
Saw this legend using his Mac at the mall food court yesterday.
My Wife wanted a pot filler so I got her this and now she won’t talk to me.
11/9 terrorist attacks
My coworkers quit by sharing a joint in the middle of their shift
Jayrat and Silent Hog.
Good for you Brazil
Please, I’m intrigued
House has falling on hard times.
How are you supposed to answer this one..?
President Obama summons a power orb to slay his enemies
A glorious day.
Daily Machikado Mazoku #149 Ganbare ShamiMomo
I believe I just found the most annoying anime character
I hate the popular thing to compensate for a lack of a personality.
I mean it's better right?
Who names their dog this?
when you are a Med student but also an anime fan
Scientists perfect the art of growing arses naturally that can be transplanted safely to humans lacking in the ass area.
I have a small YouTube channel where I upload songs I’ve written. I was curious about my audience demographics. I showed my friends and now they’re all poking fun at me for making “Mom Music”.
Accidentally made sonic with tan legs and now he looks even more naked
This season is so packed, I love it
He can sell his nuts as many time he wants
yOU CaN’T uSe THaT EmOJI iTS OFfeNsIve!!1!1!
Y’all mad dumb
so relatable
Gigachad Shinji
Why are the police here already?
Went to an alpaca farm with the family. This was the highlight for me
how tf did this get past marketing
As an environmentalist, they best thing those “activists” can do is retire
It’s all part of the plan.
Saw this on instagram, they were probably just roommates.
That's a big Brain move
I’m gonna chop my balls of if they win it this year
If you're born in July then I feel sorry for you.
How anyone thought this was an appropriate name for a tanning salon, I’ll never know.
I'm gonna get canceled
At a burger place in Frederick, MD
Victors don’t write history, they just keep winning.
A cartoon in the newspapers mocking MLK and civil rights movement, 1967. The media has been attempting to make activism appear stupid and idiotic for decades
Good on her for speaking out
Gourmet shit
Are you an Ottomaboo?
At least they'll be remembered...
Now THAT’s some good advice
Not a war against France or Egypt, but against them personally
So baby now you feel like number one!
Deep down somewhere in Shaanxi, close to the city Xian...
ni**a saved ***roaches life
it’s all a matter of perspective
Not sure why her shadow always does that.
Ferrari dealers hate this one simple trick
She said the ottoman empire looks like a camel and sent me this
Magic weapon