Although in Herodotus' defence he was just writing what his sources told him

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Some good old Roman "protection"
And each time a world ending calamity been announce it automatically became a meme, anyway
Eet Soop
My 73 year old landlady just asked why I have a 5’4” hat in the basement. I don’t know how to explain this.
I guess the Macedonians, Greeks, Celts, Germans, Phoenicians, Libyans, and a thousand other peoples didn’t get the memo that their weapons system was superior and they should have beat the Romans.
Otome Dori is real.
Why can't I aim
Lenin Looks hot AF tho
The true argument of the season, who care for what more popular
I will do it
The most important question. Who is responsible for starting WWI?
OnlyFans model is the new SoundCloud rapper
This guy is either underrated or overrated
Chainsaw man
and the teen wins
The 30 year war is very interesting
Райан Гослинг
When the state and federal government won’t help you. Go to their sworn enemy.
Free will is a joke
Need context
French Boi..
2008. The streets of Gotham. The Joker celebrates defeating his archenemy, Batman, with some sick skate moves.
Ancient Iran vs Modern Iran
Sauce Cat Update
"I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes about diabeetus".
Pure, unadulterated, hetero energy
war walk
All europeans basiaclly
I don’t even know what to say about this
all the time travelers are trying to stop him from inventing the saxophone
When in doubt, blame England
there has been an awakening...
Circa 1962, creation of M.A.D. doctrine↓↓↓
Ethiopians be like, not tiday mate, not today!
Paris Hilton solves world poverty
The old Mexico had so much to offer until...
I came to a realization tonight...
Sounds right......right?...
I-I think they're pretty good
Years 536-541 could be described with the sentence: "You can't be serious."
Pandora's box found circa
Donald Trump after meeting Stormy Daniels
The forgotten empire
You're not Indian
How the Iraq war could’ve been avoided
Heh, vent.
Keep eating it up and you will be eaten morons.
You too, king
Sadness :(
Sure that!
So selfish
Forgot to proof before publishing.
play dead.
For those that require sufficient caffeination.
somebody's fired
The Lorax has PTSD
Russia be like
the game huh
You people need to appreciate the classics
Next they’ll say Cleopatra was ethnically Grecian
Time for some healthy spooks
Change my mind
Deserved for being unwholesome
Never. again.
Employee Hose Down coupon?
They can hear everything
The Marx Brothers were epic before epic was cool
this season in a nutshell
Donner Is a Lovely Name
Irish Potato Famine
This post was fact checked by____ ________
I have made this map to anger everyone
That parrot 40 or what?
tip not included
To be honest, Power look great in bikini
A little too familiar
Let's put an end to this myth, please
Have a nice Sunday folks
A man of his word
Social media on another level this week
Oof indeed
If I don’t answer I’m on my tractor
And you know he wanted to offer £2,000 but the British told him no
The curse of not being a 'Murican and seeing material produced for US consumption
When you think you are Napoleon reborn
Name the song
That's what I'm talking about, that's what he's the MVP, that's was he's the GOD, THE GOD
My 3 year old Samsung A50 smashes the SE for $100 less
Anne Boleyn, Queen of England, gets beheaded for treason