I am the resident old guy.
260,401 Wise

Joined 5 years ago (2019-12-07 19:30:57).
Has 260,401 Karma.
Created 3,904 posts.
Wrote 23,665 comments.
Upvoted 160,238 posts.
Downvoted 633 posts.

Achievements Info

5-Year Club 06.12.2024

4-Year Club 07.12.2023

Commenter of the Month 30.09.2023

3-Year Club 07.12.2022

Gold Club 27.09.2021

Wise 06.05.2021

Karma Hunter x3 27.02.2021

Hardcore Commenter 02.02.2021

Hardcore Poster 02.02.2021

2-Year Club 07.12.2021

Silver Club 21.05.2020

Experienced 05.05.2020

Commenter of the Day x32 30.03.2020

Poster 21.03.2020

Commenter 11.02.2020

Poster of the Day x18 10.02.2020

1-Year Club 07.12.2020

Bronze Club 05.01.2020

Casual Poster 31.12.2019

Casual Commenter 26.12.2019

Verified 07.12.2019